Introducing myself! Rate my DEMO (soon)


New Metal Member
Jun 16, 2007
Hi YALL! Name's MAX!!!

Long time reader first time poster! I'm going to be recording my band's first full length DEMO. We'll be using as much gear as we can afford (not a lot, lol) so I'll be posting regularly in this thread to get your opinions and suggestions on the entire mix!. I may have to end up mastering too (I know, i know, let's not even get into that right now).

Some info: the band: This Town Is On Fire, from Toronto, Canada, we have a myspace with really shitty mixed (done years ago, with like 2 mics and we didn't even have a bassist yet) We're just starting everything up, played a couple of shows etc. Planning on getting this demo out by the new year.

I'll accept all constructive criticisms and try my hardest not to let my ego come into play when asking for all your help!! Thanks in advance! Talk to you all soon!
hey guys
sorry it's been a while, finally started mixing. This is one of the first songs I gotta work on. I JUST started mixing literally this weekend. I'm trying to go for a semi more organic/raw sound without too much compression or effects etc. (Also cause I can barely hear compression unless they're at extreme settings!) My ear isn't as developed I'm a noob. I always find it intimidating to post anything here since everybody's got such great ears. Oh yeah, no vox yet.

This song's called Lovegun. Hasn't been fully edited yet, some parts can still be tightened up. Guitars need more editing, and I'm struggling with the guitars and bass! I've been trying to get a nice distorted bass sound for more body and I've ended up with what you hear. The guitars sound crappola. WHat do you guys recommend? Whaddy'all think it needs?? THANKS in advance!