Hey guys,
Just thought I would introduce myself to the forum, used to read it a lot about 3 years ago, came back today and good to see it's *still* going strong. Well i assume its going strong, it may be going down the shitter but it looks pretty active to me. So I'm from Brisbane Australia, been into opeth since still life, and my favorite album is still life, although it changes every month or so. I met them at a signing in brissy but didnt get to say much obviously. I was trying to think of somethnig cool to say to them but then froze completely when I came up to them and I'm like 'uhhhh hi you guys are cool.' or something lame. Mikael gave me a look like
uhhh get away from me. I'm into a lot of diffrent music, as you prolly all are, most opeth fans I know seem to have really broad and weird taste in music. I mean some of my mates even like Dream theater
So anyone else here from Brisbane ?? How shitty has the metal scene been lately? About 30 people been showing up to local shows lately, as few and far between as they are. And In Flames skipping our city how gay is that
Anyway I know you guys hate reading the same topics over and over again, but I mean different threads have different posters and shit and they can be different each time so yeah, let me know whos in here, what bands do you like, where you from, etc? Cheers. Seacrest out.
Just thought I would introduce myself to the forum, used to read it a lot about 3 years ago, came back today and good to see it's *still* going strong. Well i assume its going strong, it may be going down the shitter but it looks pretty active to me. So I'm from Brisbane Australia, been into opeth since still life, and my favorite album is still life, although it changes every month or so. I met them at a signing in brissy but didnt get to say much obviously. I was trying to think of somethnig cool to say to them but then froze completely when I came up to them and I'm like 'uhhhh hi you guys are cool.' or something lame. Mikael gave me a look like
So anyone else here from Brisbane ?? How shitty has the metal scene been lately? About 30 people been showing up to local shows lately, as few and far between as they are. And In Flames skipping our city how gay is that

Anyway I know you guys hate reading the same topics over and over again, but I mean different threads have different posters and shit and they can be different each time so yeah, let me know whos in here, what bands do you like, where you from, etc? Cheers. Seacrest out.