Introducing myself...

didn't know who she was, but i googled her name and..her titties are quite large :)

I just played MGS3 over the weekend. My god the story sucked....but maaan, any game that you can trick attack dogs by wearing a monkey mask, then placing remote detonated C4 below them has done its job in my books.

Ocelot = funniest. boss. character. ever.
Trey Parker said:
nice hotlinking deliverance, you 'mo

haha, wtf...?

MGS1 (psx) is still my favorite game EVER. but then again i'm not a gamer, so i haven't played the pathetic amount of games that "gamers" have. i've beaten it 12 times, in diff. modes and still get enjoyment from it
My first "real" console was Atari 2600 (or whatever) about a year or so after it came out. I played Laser Blast like a motherfucker. Oh yeah, I also had an original Pong not long after it was first released. We could never afford that rich kid shit like Commodore 64. bastards. My cousin who is in his early 30s still has his Colecovision. must be from '78 or '79 maybe. hasnt worked since around '80. haha.
I'm a Counter-Strike player. Counter-Strike: Source right now.