Introducing myself


O hai
Mar 30, 2009
South Jersey
I've already made my first post, but I figured i'd introduce myself, as I plan on hanging out here :D

I'm from South Jersey, and I sorta know Mr. Bozarth from back in the Distorted Mind days (He was supposed to play at my bands first show, but his vans alternator blew up, yikes!) Haven't talked to him much in recent times though.

You seem like a cool bunch o' people, so I hope to stick around for a while.

And just because... A pic of myself:


...AND a kitty!

I was there in spirit - drinking along with yall. Stupid fucking 3000 mile distances.

I apologize that you had to meet Will as one of the first people from here, and I hope it doesn't make you feel the same way about the rest of us. Feel free to post pictures of fecal matter and disgusting diseases as well.

But titty pictures are always most welcum
And now you're done introducing yourself, it's time to share your Nevermore stories with us.

wow! hahaha

How's it going? How's the band going, etc etc etc etc etc?

We never met in person, as the van caused that to not happen. Stick around. Happen to know of any bars or coffee houses down your way that are looking for aggressive acoustic entertainment?

edit: no, he wasn't at BozzFest