Introducing myself


My double bass isn't spectacular, my hand technique is my strong point. 4 years of marching band helped me with that.

Well, Max and I had a few ideas for a couple projects... one of which is the oldschool death metal sounding thing, but judging on how you say your double bass skills are, that seems to be out. Another idea we had is for a Traditional Doom band...... take a video or audio of the entire range of your skills and we can see what we can do, if anything...
It is an Avenger, they're my favorite. That's the name of the body style, the Avenged sevenfold sig is just one of these with a paintjob, called the "Revenger" i believe. The bats on the fretboard are standard on all the "Damien" series guitars. It's a great axe

Damien series are really cool guitars. I also play drums as well, but for only 3 years. I can do the double bass pedals and all, but the only problem I with it is endurence.
Well, Max and I had a few ideas for a couple projects... one of which is the oldschool death metal sounding thing, but judging on how you say your double bass skills are, that seems to be out. Another idea we had is for a Traditional Doom band...... take a video or audio of the entire range of your skills and we can see what we can do, if anything...

Yeah, I'll do what I can. I mean, it won't bother me if i'm of no use, just figured i'd offer my skills if I can be of help :)

Can you play blastbeats?

Depends. I can definitely do one where the snare is on the down beat, for example, the beginning of the new Daath song "Sharpen the blades". But for a traditional blast beat, I can keep it up for a measure or so, but then I get confused. I could probably pick it if I actually put my mind to it and practiced it for a bit.

Back when I was a drummer full time I could fire off the double bass pretty fast, but seeing as my focus has been guitar the last few years, my drumming has tapered off a little. I can still hold it down though pretty well :D
I've already made my first post, but I figured i'd introduce myself, as I plan on hanging out here :D

I'm from South Jersey, and I sorta know Mr. Bozarth from back in the Distorted Mind days (He was supposed to play at my bands first show, but his vans alternator blew up, yikes!) Haven't talked to him much in recent times though.

You seem like a cool bunch o' people, so I hope to stick around for a while.

And just because... A pic of myself:



Yikes....your fat.