Introducing two new premium IR packs


Frozen Sun Audio
Nov 19, 2010
I am excited to announce that I am now offering two premium IR packs containing the best sounding and most versatile IR content I've put together yet. They are called the Griffin and Minotaur IR packs, and those names describe them well.

What you get: Each pack is a dual mic pack, with 2 solo mic IRs, and 5 different blend levels designed specifically for rhythm guitars. Each pack also comes with a special IR made specifically for bass grit tracks and lead/light crunch parts as well, for a total of 8 IRs in a full pack. Each premium pack costs $30USD.

EZ Mix IRs: If you are not the type to sit for hours tweaking tones and don't want to worry about finding the perfect tone for every mix, each pack also comes in a stripped down EZ Mix form. In the EZ Mix pack you get one IR for rhythm guitars and one for bass/leads/crunch. Simple, but still effective and carries the signature sound of each pack. EZ Mix IR packs cost $15USD.

Here are the clips of the two premium IR packs compared against two of my free community IRs called the Metalcore IRs.



Metalcore A:

Metalcore B:

The Metalcore IR demo clips use the Minotaur bass IR for the bass tone since the Metalcore pack does not come with an IR for bass. Again there are 8 IRs per pack, so a single clip can only show so much, but these should give you an idea of the flavor each one has to offer.
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Bump celebrating first sale. My mixing as of now is unimpressive at best, I'll admit that, but don't discount my IRs for the mixing, the IRs themselves are top quality, as is my reamping.
Also, for anyone who purchases a Premium IR pack, you get a bit of an insurance on investment. If I make a change or update to a specific IR pack in the future, you will receive the updated pack free of charge. I've actually already done this, where I updated long time users of my IRs with the newer versions shown here. But of course if I come out with a brand new IR pack of a different name (and I am honest, so I won't change names of a pack just to be a dick) you won't be entitled to get that pack for free seeing as how it is in an entirely new line of IRs, obviously. Just something to think about. This does not apply however to custom made IRs, as when an IR is custom made, it is unique, and cannot be "updated."

Also, one of my clients just posted a shootout of my IRs and using no EQ. Feel free to comment on either thread, or ask questions.