Ok, looooooooooooooong review coming up!!! 
SECC - 15th December 2006
I was meeting up with my friend Mark before the concert and he was not finishing his work till mid-afternoon so I had to wait till about 4pm to meet him and I was so excited I was about to be sick! We headed straight onto the SECC and as we walked into the venue I heard someone shout, "You're from Crieff!!" and I turn round to see this guy who I do not recognise at all yelling at me. He said we'd talked on the bus but then again I've talked to quite a few nutters on buses in my time! After getting away from him we sat and chatted until it was time for the "first to the barrier" winners to be allowed in. We headed straight for a spot on Dave and Adrian's side (tho we ended up damn near centre stage by the end of it!!) and then the wait began. As we were waiting I heard someone shout, "Is anyone here from Crieff?!?!" and I turn round to see the nutter we'd met outside the venue! He roared "It is you!!" and then gave me a big hug - seems I couldn't get away from this guy!! Hahaha!! We had to wait for about an hour for Lauren Harris and she came on about 7pm. I'd heard some of her stuff on MySpace and wasn't overly impressed but live she was really good! She is absolutely stunning - photos don't do her justice at all! She did a great cover of Gun's Steal Your Fire which I've loved since it came out and she saw me singing along to it so she came over to our bit and was singing along with me. She seemed quite taken with Mark and was singing to him a lot which he was very pleased about. We saw Steve standing behind one of the walkways watching her like the proud daddy he is! Next up was Trivium. I hated them when I first heard them but ever since The Crusade came out and I saw them live twice this summer, I'd begun to like them more and more so I was really looking forward to them. We braced ourselves for this one cos we knew it could get a bit mad - and we were right! It was so cool seeing them up close this time and made eye contact with Matt quite a few times and he'd smile at me. What a gorgeous smile he's got and lovely eyes too! They were excellent and I loved hearing Anthem (We Are The Fire) live - I was singing at the top of my voice for that one! I would have loved to hear them do Ember To Inferno and Dying In Your Arms as well but no such luck. It was quite tightly packed at the barrier but I was SO determined to stay there for the whole show (and I did!). After about half an hour, the familiar strains of Doctor, Doctor echo out over the PA and I really think I'm going to burst with excitement! That finishes, their intro come on and we spot Nicko in the darkness. Then the guys burst out and start Different World followed by Bruce who does his usual run and jump off the centre monitors. It was excellent but exactly the same thing happened as did last time on the Dance Of Death tour. The crowd was just too into it and after the song had finished Bruce had to make the same speech as last time, about the shoving from side to side. It was better at the barrier cos at least you had something to hold onto to keep yourself up. He said that we were a hard lot tho, "Made from girders and all that bollocks!!" Hahaha!!! (For those who don't know "Made from girders" is the slogan for Irn Bru - a Scottish soft drink). I'd heard conflicting reports about the new album live but I have to say that it was STUNNING!!!! Mark caught a plectrum from Dave after The Pilgrim which he was understandably chuffed to bits about. We'd both been really looking forward to seeing The Longest Day live but it was kinda ruined for us cos a guy about two behind us needed out so security spend a good minute or two trying to haul him out over our heads. It wasn’t really his fault tho, he just needed out. Out Of The Shadows was incredible live and I had major eye contact with Steve during the choruses. It’s the most amazing feeling singing along eye to eye with someone you’ve idolised for years. I was never that keen on Lord Of Light and especially The Legacy but they were fantastic live – I thoroughly enjoyed Lord Of Light! After the quiet start, me and Mark just looked at each and shouted, “Here we GO!!!!!!!” as Adrian went into THAT riff!! They all looked so happy! When Bruce was talking to the crowd, they’d all be pissing about and laughing with each other – it was so great to see! Bruce and Nicko had a drumstick fight during the intro to one of the song which I can’t remember, hahaha!!! When they started playing the classics, the crowd went properly nuts! The new Eddie for Iron Maiden was so cool!!! One of the best I’ve ever seen! I really thought I was going to lose my head during Two Minutes To Midnight, it was banging that much!! Bruce didn’t sing the last few lines cos he was too concerned about what was going on in the pit but the crowd were singing loud enough for him tho! The Evil That Men Do sounds so amazing with three guitars – that intro is to die for! They closed with Hallowed Be Thy Name and again I had major eye contact with Steve. I definitely remember singing the line, “Mark my words believe my soul lives on…” with him. They were absolutely incredible and had eye contact with everyone apart from Nicko but had loads with Steve and Dave. I could hardly walk afterwards and felt like I’d been hit by an truck, then reversed over several times!! As we were walking out, guess who we ran into? Yup, random Crieff guy (who’d been pulled out during The Legacy) had found me again!!! Hahaha!!! I left with an aching neck, no voice, sore arms, knees and ankles – but also a big fucking smile on my face!
Metro Radio Arena - 17th December 2006
I came down the day before the concert so I would have plenty of time to chill and relax before the show the next day. On the Sunday, my good friend Chris took me to the Metro Centre which is the largest shopping centre in Europe – and it is MASSIVE! She also showed me the hallowed ground where she walked past Janick one day!! Haha! After that I went back to my hotel and tried to relax before the show but that proved completely impossible! I could see the arena from my hotel room and I could see the queue building up. I had another “first to the barrier” wristband so I wasn’t worried about getting to the front. At about 4.30pm I decided to go and wait outside the arena cos I was feeling so sick with excitement. I went to check out where the wristband winners were to go so I knew what was happening when the time came. I was giving my other band to a guy called Joe who I’d spoken briefly to on the Megadeth boards. As I was standing there freezing my arse off in just my Iron MaidenS shirt and jeans, I met Oozily aka Edd again (we’d met him in Glasgow) who’s a mod on the Maiden BB’s so I stood and chatted to him for a while till Joe showed up. Once he’d shown up we headed for the queue. After about an hour or so we got in and headed straight for Dave and Adrian’s side again. The techs were flicking out plectrums before the bands came on and I managed to get one of Adrian’s!! Yay!! We had about an hour to wait for Lauren and while it might not be everyone’s cup of tea, I really enjoyed her set. Once again, I saw Steve watching from the wings. When she first came over to our side, I definitely saw a flash of recognition in her eyes when she saw me. During Steal Your Fire we had another sing along together and she gave me the thumbs up. Trivium didn’t seem to get quite as good a response as they did in Glasgow but everyone around me, myself included, was singing our hearts out. Got a few eyefuls from Matt again and caught Corey’s eye a couple of times too. The crowd seemed well up for it and when Doctor, Doctor started playing everyone went nuts! I knew how good the new album was live so I was well hyper!! When the boys ran out, the place erupted and everyone was singing along so loudly! Bruce had to tell everyone to calm down again after Different World and the crowd did listen this time. The song I was especially looking forward to hearing again was The Longest Day, since it was ruined a bit for me in Glasgow. No such trouble this time and I roared every word!!! I felt a bit emotional during Out Of The Shadows and could feel tears welling up – probably cos it’s such a beautiful song and because this would be the last time I’d be seeing them for a while. For a song I hated when I first heard it, I enjoyed The Legacy immensely! The intro is fab and I love the build up as one by one Dave, Adrian and Janick all start playing that heavy riff. Fear Of The Dark was mental and everyone was well into it. I got to sing a bit with Bruce during the second verse. During Iron Maiden, I was singing the chorus with Adrian and I got a big grin from him! When they came back for the encore, Dave threw out some plectrums and the security guard, who I’d been chatting to before the show, picked it up and made sure I got it! Once again, my head nearly fell off during Two Minutes To Midnight, especially since I was so fired up from getting one of Dave’s plectrums! Dave, Janick, Steve and Adrian were all over our side for most of The Evil That Men Do and I got to sing quite a few bits with Steve again! Hallowed Be Thy Name was another neck snapper and I gave it my all it was the very last song. When they were throwing stuff out, I touched a drumstick that Bruce had thrown out and Dave’s wristband but didn’t get them unfortunately. Up front wasn’t anywhere near as bad as especially since I still had the power to walk after this show, but it was still rough. It was totally worth every second of it and I cannot wait to see them again, hopefully as Bruce put it “…next year in a big, muddy field in the middle of England somewhere…” Hmmm, I wonder where that is then???
Trivium (for anyone who wants to see) - Yahoo! Photos - littlemissmetallicat's Photos - Trivium
Maiden - Yahoo! Photos - littlemissmetallicat's Photos - Iron Maiden
YouTube - Iron Maiden - These Colours Don't Run
(ruined by a crowd surfer coming over my head)
YouTube - Iron Maiden - These Colours Don't Run
(I meant to take a photo here but didn't realise it was set to video!
YouTube - Iron Maiden - The Evil That Men Do
(Security had to get a crowd surfer over my head, that's why it ends so abruptly)
Eddie emerging!
YouTube - Iron Maiden - Iron Maiden
You Tube sucks for quality, they're so much better on my computer!! More video to come but they've not been processed yet.
We're also on the IMOC pic thread - my friend Mark's in the cut off denim jacket and I'm next to him in the Purgatory shirt. Kinda glad that guy's hand is covering my face cos I'm mid-headbang!!
SECC - 15th December 2006
I was meeting up with my friend Mark before the concert and he was not finishing his work till mid-afternoon so I had to wait till about 4pm to meet him and I was so excited I was about to be sick! We headed straight onto the SECC and as we walked into the venue I heard someone shout, "You're from Crieff!!" and I turn round to see this guy who I do not recognise at all yelling at me. He said we'd talked on the bus but then again I've talked to quite a few nutters on buses in my time! After getting away from him we sat and chatted until it was time for the "first to the barrier" winners to be allowed in. We headed straight for a spot on Dave and Adrian's side (tho we ended up damn near centre stage by the end of it!!) and then the wait began. As we were waiting I heard someone shout, "Is anyone here from Crieff?!?!" and I turn round to see the nutter we'd met outside the venue! He roared "It is you!!" and then gave me a big hug - seems I couldn't get away from this guy!! Hahaha!! We had to wait for about an hour for Lauren Harris and she came on about 7pm. I'd heard some of her stuff on MySpace and wasn't overly impressed but live she was really good! She is absolutely stunning - photos don't do her justice at all! She did a great cover of Gun's Steal Your Fire which I've loved since it came out and she saw me singing along to it so she came over to our bit and was singing along with me. She seemed quite taken with Mark and was singing to him a lot which he was very pleased about. We saw Steve standing behind one of the walkways watching her like the proud daddy he is! Next up was Trivium. I hated them when I first heard them but ever since The Crusade came out and I saw them live twice this summer, I'd begun to like them more and more so I was really looking forward to them. We braced ourselves for this one cos we knew it could get a bit mad - and we were right! It was so cool seeing them up close this time and made eye contact with Matt quite a few times and he'd smile at me. What a gorgeous smile he's got and lovely eyes too! They were excellent and I loved hearing Anthem (We Are The Fire) live - I was singing at the top of my voice for that one! I would have loved to hear them do Ember To Inferno and Dying In Your Arms as well but no such luck. It was quite tightly packed at the barrier but I was SO determined to stay there for the whole show (and I did!). After about half an hour, the familiar strains of Doctor, Doctor echo out over the PA and I really think I'm going to burst with excitement! That finishes, their intro come on and we spot Nicko in the darkness. Then the guys burst out and start Different World followed by Bruce who does his usual run and jump off the centre monitors. It was excellent but exactly the same thing happened as did last time on the Dance Of Death tour. The crowd was just too into it and after the song had finished Bruce had to make the same speech as last time, about the shoving from side to side. It was better at the barrier cos at least you had something to hold onto to keep yourself up. He said that we were a hard lot tho, "Made from girders and all that bollocks!!" Hahaha!!! (For those who don't know "Made from girders" is the slogan for Irn Bru - a Scottish soft drink). I'd heard conflicting reports about the new album live but I have to say that it was STUNNING!!!! Mark caught a plectrum from Dave after The Pilgrim which he was understandably chuffed to bits about. We'd both been really looking forward to seeing The Longest Day live but it was kinda ruined for us cos a guy about two behind us needed out so security spend a good minute or two trying to haul him out over our heads. It wasn’t really his fault tho, he just needed out. Out Of The Shadows was incredible live and I had major eye contact with Steve during the choruses. It’s the most amazing feeling singing along eye to eye with someone you’ve idolised for years. I was never that keen on Lord Of Light and especially The Legacy but they were fantastic live – I thoroughly enjoyed Lord Of Light! After the quiet start, me and Mark just looked at each and shouted, “Here we GO!!!!!!!” as Adrian went into THAT riff!! They all looked so happy! When Bruce was talking to the crowd, they’d all be pissing about and laughing with each other – it was so great to see! Bruce and Nicko had a drumstick fight during the intro to one of the song which I can’t remember, hahaha!!! When they started playing the classics, the crowd went properly nuts! The new Eddie for Iron Maiden was so cool!!! One of the best I’ve ever seen! I really thought I was going to lose my head during Two Minutes To Midnight, it was banging that much!! Bruce didn’t sing the last few lines cos he was too concerned about what was going on in the pit but the crowd were singing loud enough for him tho! The Evil That Men Do sounds so amazing with three guitars – that intro is to die for! They closed with Hallowed Be Thy Name and again I had major eye contact with Steve. I definitely remember singing the line, “Mark my words believe my soul lives on…” with him. They were absolutely incredible and had eye contact with everyone apart from Nicko but had loads with Steve and Dave. I could hardly walk afterwards and felt like I’d been hit by an truck, then reversed over several times!! As we were walking out, guess who we ran into? Yup, random Crieff guy (who’d been pulled out during The Legacy) had found me again!!! Hahaha!!! I left with an aching neck, no voice, sore arms, knees and ankles – but also a big fucking smile on my face!
Metro Radio Arena - 17th December 2006
I came down the day before the concert so I would have plenty of time to chill and relax before the show the next day. On the Sunday, my good friend Chris took me to the Metro Centre which is the largest shopping centre in Europe – and it is MASSIVE! She also showed me the hallowed ground where she walked past Janick one day!! Haha! After that I went back to my hotel and tried to relax before the show but that proved completely impossible! I could see the arena from my hotel room and I could see the queue building up. I had another “first to the barrier” wristband so I wasn’t worried about getting to the front. At about 4.30pm I decided to go and wait outside the arena cos I was feeling so sick with excitement. I went to check out where the wristband winners were to go so I knew what was happening when the time came. I was giving my other band to a guy called Joe who I’d spoken briefly to on the Megadeth boards. As I was standing there freezing my arse off in just my Iron MaidenS shirt and jeans, I met Oozily aka Edd again (we’d met him in Glasgow) who’s a mod on the Maiden BB’s so I stood and chatted to him for a while till Joe showed up. Once he’d shown up we headed for the queue. After about an hour or so we got in and headed straight for Dave and Adrian’s side again. The techs were flicking out plectrums before the bands came on and I managed to get one of Adrian’s!! Yay!! We had about an hour to wait for Lauren and while it might not be everyone’s cup of tea, I really enjoyed her set. Once again, I saw Steve watching from the wings. When she first came over to our side, I definitely saw a flash of recognition in her eyes when she saw me. During Steal Your Fire we had another sing along together and she gave me the thumbs up. Trivium didn’t seem to get quite as good a response as they did in Glasgow but everyone around me, myself included, was singing our hearts out. Got a few eyefuls from Matt again and caught Corey’s eye a couple of times too. The crowd seemed well up for it and when Doctor, Doctor started playing everyone went nuts! I knew how good the new album was live so I was well hyper!! When the boys ran out, the place erupted and everyone was singing along so loudly! Bruce had to tell everyone to calm down again after Different World and the crowd did listen this time. The song I was especially looking forward to hearing again was The Longest Day, since it was ruined a bit for me in Glasgow. No such trouble this time and I roared every word!!! I felt a bit emotional during Out Of The Shadows and could feel tears welling up – probably cos it’s such a beautiful song and because this would be the last time I’d be seeing them for a while. For a song I hated when I first heard it, I enjoyed The Legacy immensely! The intro is fab and I love the build up as one by one Dave, Adrian and Janick all start playing that heavy riff. Fear Of The Dark was mental and everyone was well into it. I got to sing a bit with Bruce during the second verse. During Iron Maiden, I was singing the chorus with Adrian and I got a big grin from him! When they came back for the encore, Dave threw out some plectrums and the security guard, who I’d been chatting to before the show, picked it up and made sure I got it! Once again, my head nearly fell off during Two Minutes To Midnight, especially since I was so fired up from getting one of Dave’s plectrums! Dave, Janick, Steve and Adrian were all over our side for most of The Evil That Men Do and I got to sing quite a few bits with Steve again! Hallowed Be Thy Name was another neck snapper and I gave it my all it was the very last song. When they were throwing stuff out, I touched a drumstick that Bruce had thrown out and Dave’s wristband but didn’t get them unfortunately. Up front wasn’t anywhere near as bad as especially since I still had the power to walk after this show, but it was still rough. It was totally worth every second of it and I cannot wait to see them again, hopefully as Bruce put it “…next year in a big, muddy field in the middle of England somewhere…” Hmmm, I wonder where that is then???

Trivium (for anyone who wants to see) - Yahoo! Photos - littlemissmetallicat's Photos - Trivium
Maiden - Yahoo! Photos - littlemissmetallicat's Photos - Iron Maiden
YouTube - Iron Maiden - These Colours Don't Run
(ruined by a crowd surfer coming over my head)
YouTube - Iron Maiden - These Colours Don't Run
(I meant to take a photo here but didn't realise it was set to video!
YouTube - Iron Maiden - The Evil That Men Do
(Security had to get a crowd surfer over my head, that's why it ends so abruptly)
Eddie emerging!
YouTube - Iron Maiden - Iron Maiden
You Tube sucks for quality, they're so much better on my computer!! More video to come but they've not been processed yet.
We're also on the IMOC pic thread - my friend Mark's in the cut off denim jacket and I'm next to him in the Purgatory shirt. Kinda glad that guy's hand is covering my face cos I'm mid-headbang!!