Iron Maiden - "Killers"

Yap. Like I said stuff like 'Ghost Of Navigator' is reasonable decent and should have been the follow-up to SSOASS songs. But in the same album 'Nomad' is boring as hell! And as for DOD, sorry it just makes me angry!!! :mad: I rather stay with my old albums and forget about what happened to them, is too painful.
Jean-Pierre said:
Hold up man...Di'Anno was perfect for the music they played at the time. Bruce was perfect for the epic masterpieces of their later years, but Di'Anno's voice fit the rocking NWOBHM of their first albums like a glove. From the videos I've seen, Paul's stage prescence was awesome, he was a very charismatic singer.
You are right on that one. I have seen Iron Maiden with Paul Dianno 4 times and he was way better live than on the records. For instance he could do these really high screams live. Almost like Halford! He had a great stage presence. On stage he would chat with the fans as if he was talking to a friend in a pub. Really relaxt and with a lot of humor too.

I also met him 3 times. And found him a very nice guy always willing to talk about anything.

Hard to imagine the above when you have not heard or seen it. now his voice is turned to shit and his attitude? Well, nough said.
thanx for the welcome Wyvern.. :) as for Paul.. if they had stayed with him and never brought Bruce in.. i dont think maiden would of lasted as long as they have.. Paul is like Al Bundy.. who will always remind people of the 4 touchdowns he did in one game in High School lol ... Bruce is da man.. he is the mick jagger to Steve Harris's Keith richards so to speak.. some bands were meant to be with a certain line up and the Bruce Lineup is it for Iron Maiden.. much like the aerosmith lineup, metallica lineup with Cliff (R.I.P. to him and also the old Metallica) etc... we should have a discussion about how metallica sucked after Clifford died lol maybe i should make a separate thread for that... for the Paul Dianno fans.. if you dont know already. check out his albums for his band back in the day .. dont know if they are still around.. Paul Dianno's Battlezone.. if you can find them. look on ebay or something.. :loco: :headbang: :wave:
"Killers" is my favourite Maiden album also, and I love the first one almost as much. I'd gotten it on cassette in about '84, after coming to like the band through "Piece of Mind". I was disappointed at first because it wasn't the same singer, but soon came to like it the most of all their albums. My favourite song on it is probably "Twilight Zone", which has a great, almost Thin Lizzy-ish feel, or "Murders in the Rue Morgue". I completely agree with Jean-Pierre about the Steve-Harris-on-Autopilot songwriting from "No Prayer For the Dying" on being largely responsible for the decline in the quality of their albums after a while. A friend theorized it might have been the extreme amount of touring they did in the mid-80's that burnt them out, and I wonder if that's maybe true, too. I don't mind Blaze as a singer, but I think he was just bizarrely wrong for them. I can't believe the band could hear his singing with their songs and say "that's exactly what we need in our band!". I liked about half of "Brave New World" a lot. "The Wicker Man" and "Out of the Silent Planet" were their strongest singles, I think, since "Aces High". The other half (including "The Mercenary" and "The Nomad") sounds tired and by-the-book, writing-wise. Nicko sounds great throughout. I've only heard the singles and the title song from "Dance of Death". "Rainmaker" is pretty likeable, but "Wildest Dreams" sounds horrible to me, with a really awkward chorus to boot, and "Dance of Death" sounds like the same song Mr. Harris has written seven or eight times already, except this time, for a few seconds at the start of the middle-section, I get to imagine the slow descent of an 18-inch model of Stonehenge. There have to be other great songs on that album that I haven't heard, but I'm a bit wary nonetheless.
I've never heard Battlezone, but always meant to! I remember buying the "DIANNO" record with "Heartuser" et al. on it from a U.S. mailorder place out of a magazine in '85 or so and being super hyped about it until I actually heard it. Those others of you who have will know what I mean.
I have some "sad" jewels with Dianno. One is an album called "The Beast - Live" he made a compilation of all the (Maiden) songs he had sung with his different post Maiden bands and edited a live album. His voice is very different, but the album is good. Also I have a series of tributes made by people related to the NWOBHM and old English metal school to Iron Maiden, Nazareth and Thin Lizzy. And of course in the Maiden ones Dianno sung his own stuff (I would have better him singing Bruce stuff to compare but...). I heard one Killers album and basically drove me off the player quickly.
Both JP and UM are right. Dianno was the best for the beginning, but with him Maiden would have never achieve the success they did. Remember the thread in which we were discussing bands that never make it? I'm sure that with Dianno they would have not, and that's why I said he wasn't the frontman for them, not if you want to go to one day on a gig and scream for me Long Beach.

But look at the bright side, nobody can ever take from us "Iron Maiden" and "Killers" (and 'Women In Uniform') the way they are. Monuments to witstand the pass of time ;)
That's too bad! I heard it was much better than that first album. I just want to hear something decent besides Maiden with his voice on it. Maybe that Boston Pops thing will be okay. *hope hope*

Ah, who am I kidding? It'll all be orchestral versions of old Maiden stuff.
Good to see other fellow countrymen metalheads, Wyvern and UM!

Anyway, Killers is definately one kick-ass album. I've never really heard any post-Maiden Di'Anno, but I love his singing on both the records. Twilight Zone and Murders are just fucking awesome songs. As much as I like it, though, it's not really one of my most favourite Maiden albums. The best's got to be SEVENTH SON OF A SEVENTH SON. After that probably Powerslave, and then TNOTB and BNW, with SIT rounding out my top five.
Tool said:
Good to see other fellow countrymen metalheads, Wyvern and UM!

Anyway, Killers is definately one kick-ass album. I've never really heard any post-Maiden Di'Anno, but I love his singing on both the records. Twilight Zone and Murders are just fucking awesome songs. As much as I like it, though, it's not really one of my most favourite Maiden albums. The best's got to be SEVENTH SON OF A SEVENTH SON. After that probably Powerslave, and then TNOTB and BNW, with SIT rounding out my top five.
I suppose that you are From Hell too due to your avatar sig. I use to put Hell as addy, until I moved to Reno, NV and call it Purgatory. Now that I'm back home, I decided to proudly show that even in this forsaken place we know what real metal is ;)
Wyvern said:
I suppose that you are From Hell too due to your avatar sig. I use to put Hell as addy, until I moved to Reno, NV and call it Purgatory. Now that I'm back home, I decided to proudly show that even in this forsaken place we know what real metal is ;)

Yeah, it's nice to see Metal is everywhere, like you are from Costa Rica, Zep from South Africa, not countries we directly link to Metal ....
carnut said:
Yeah, it's nice to see Metal is everywhere, like you are from Costa Rica, Zep from South Africa, not countries we directly link to Metal ....
Is awsome how music, metal in particular has been growing worldwide moreover after the development of the WWW.

I remember when I started back in 83 it was only vinyls and tapes made in Guatemala under license from Europe. So most bands came out really late, and I had my Black Sabbath from Vertigo and my Iron Maiden from EMI. As an example "Live Evil" came out here as a single vinyl (half the recording).
As for info only mags from USA, or late issues of Metal Hammer translated in Spain.

Little by little some stores begin to brought stuff from USA and even Europe.

In the old days I maybe got 5-6 albums a year. Nowdays I'm getting 3-4 albums a month (now I had slowed down due to lack of funding :erk: )

Also recently some well known bands finally toured across here. Since my childhood I remember three concerts before the recent events: Jethro Tull, Deep Purple, Rick Wakeman (also Bon Jovi and Aerosmith, but I don't count those ones :D ).
Rata Blanca, Helloween, Gamma Ray/Masterplan, Kreator, Cannibal Corpse, Sepultura all have played here (sadly I missed all because I was in USA :ill: )

Nowdays with online purchasing, websites, MP3s etc, is pretty easy to know what's going on in metal and to get it.
HailIron said:
Killers is a great album. IMO, Paul was the best singer in Maiden. The title track is defintely the best song on the album followed by Twilight Zone and Purgatory.

bruce dickinson was and still is the best singer in maiden not paul killers agood album though
Clammy said:
I agree. I find that there a re a LOT of albums from back then that stand the test of time. Also, you used to get an album of mostly good songs, and MAYBE a couple of filler tunes... these days, I find myself thiniking that I got a good CD if it has 3 or 4 good songs on it!

I suppose it's the consequence of CDs being easier to release.
If nothing, anyone with half brain can burn his own CD, while this wasn't as easy (to say the least) with vinyl. Yeah, you could make your own tape, but that's not it... :)
Today I find some of the best stuff to be relatively unknown bands, such as Human Fortress, The Lord Weird Slough Feg or DoomSword.
The most of Nuclear Blast, Limb, SPV and whatever current production leaves me indifferent...

We DID live in the best time for music... NO DOUBT about it! :worship:

You lucky bastards... :yell:
Wish I was 10 years older... :erk: