I was severely concerned after listening to the El Dorado preview and the title track video... but honestly I'm now surprised to find I like both in the context of the album as a whole.
It's not perfect, but it's a really solid album as a whole, and it's definitely a grower. After the pre-release hype I found myself a little underwhelmed by When the Wild Wind Blows, which I'd expected to be monumental... but yeah, really enjoying the album. Second to AMoLaD in the post-reunion canon, for me (BNW and its extraordinarily repetitive choruses comes in 3rd, the definitely-patchy-but-occasionally-brilliant-and-still-after-seven-years-it-makes-me-say-dear-God-THAT-COVER Dance of Death in 4th).
EDIT: And Satellite 15 is PURE AWESOME. (I have a feeling that might not be a popularly-held opinion.)