Iron Maiden - The Trooper, anyone interested in raws?


New Metal Member
Apr 29, 2015
Hello folks,
it's time to say thank you!

I learned so many things here, improved all my skills and had so much fun in mixing a long with all these raws here in this great forum.

Now we are recording demo-tracks for our 80s-90s Metal-Cover-Band (*duck*)

And I want to give something back. It's a bit early, because I'm waiting for my singer to record the vocals and my drumer to record the real drum tracks.

But I wanted to know if there is any interest at all in this kind of genre :)

here is a short and raw preview of whats done for now.

Let me see what you guys think. And sorry for my bad english :D
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I'm pretty new and I haven't had any chance yet to practice something with clean vocals but I'd really like to.
And since I really like Iron Maiden it would be cool if you shared the raws :)
Sorry, it took a while. I fixed the Soundcloudlink. Raws will come at the weekend. Probably Sunday. We have to re-record the guitars. They had too much gain and bass and sound too fuzzy for me. And till then also the vocals will be done. So stay tuned :)

Ps. One sad thing: There will just be midi-drums. Our drumer is in the hospital at the moment and I can not tell how long he has to stay. But I try to edit and humanize the midi as good as I can. :)