Irrational Fears

Divine Victim

Embrace the Death
Jun 12, 2007
Essex, England
Does anyone else have things that really creep them out, even though they are harmless or at least not worth worrying about half as much as you do?

I was reminded of one of mine just now, when a horrible moth started flapping around my bedroom light. The fucker no doubt fluttered it's disgustingly dusty body through my window, despite the curtains.

Eurgh, I despise them so much, especially when they have a large fat body. The way they erratically meander through the air towards your face is horrible, and if they touch you it's the most disgusting crawly hellish experience imaginable.


Well the point is of course that none of that is really particularly true, and if it is it's certainly not worth worrying about. And yet I have an almost uncontrollable repulsion towards these bastard things. My body feels all tense when I see one (the more so the bigger it is), and I'll tend to run out of the room to turn another light on to lure it out.

The most hilarious occasion was when I was innocently reading a book and then a HUGE fucker started flapping around my head out of nowhere. I literally screamed - that's the only way I can describe the sound I made - and cowered under my bed sheets like a total baby, until I managed to crawl out, sheets still wrapped around my body, and turn another light on.

I don't know if I really fear anything or anything completely irrational, it has more to do with the situation I suppose. Like I wouldn't say I'm afraid of sharks because there aren't any near by, but I'm sure I would be if I was swimming with them.

ill freak out and scream like a chick if i see one. And once I see one i have to watch it constantly, so I know where it goes. if i dont watch it ill get freaked over where it went, and get all paranoid.

it sucks really.
Well I'm pretty concerned about this moth, because it's just disappeared and I don't know where.

Probably plotting an ambush of my face just as I'm drifting to sleep.

The cunt.
i hear that. it feels like they try to go find other legions of venom spitting spiders to launch an all out assault on my weak ass.

Although, this hasnt happened yet. But if it does ill be waiting with some RAID.
Spider webs! Especially the typical looking "round" ones. Just the thought of touching one makes me shudder. There is nothing worse than a spiderweb going through your face when you're walking through the kvlt grim forest.
I have the same problem with spiders, it's horrible. I don't mind the little ones or "daddy long legs" but the big, scary, angry and hairy ones practically cripple me, I just can't function at all when I see them because they worry me so damn much. The only thing that bothers me more than seeing them is not knowing whether or not there is a spider. I do landscaping and sometimes I've got to clean areas out by hand, I HATE cleaning around those...circular little web things those ugly ass wolf spiders hide in and pop out of.

If I see a spider with an egg sac, I crush that thing brootally with a shovel.

Bridges scare me to a lesser extent, anybody whose crossed the Tobin Bridge in Boston knows that thing is scary as hell, it's barely got any paint left and half the thing is rusted ; ;
Bees and wasps. I've never been stung by any of them before. If I'm outside, I avoid walking near flowers, just at the chance a bumblebee may be around them.
Dying, even though when things happen that can be near death yuo have nothing on your mind because of the adrenaline(I had a little incident earlier this week that coulda ended my life), it goes by so fast, you're left feeling the reality and fear after it's over, realziing that it all can end so quickly when you least expected, it was unusualy because in the moment I had no fears of death or anything, it was so fast, so much adrenaline going on, I'm sure if it did hit I wouldn't have known it, so maybe I shouldn't fear this death thing so much.
Spiders. I don't mind them if they are outside but when they are inside, the fucking scare the shit out of me. I don't kill them either because I value others lives. I also fear the thought of death, which is the reason why I don't kill spiders. I fear it because I don't know what will happen. I am also afraid of UFOs and aliens. The fears will then dwell on my mind for an hour or even a couple of days.
I am afraid of high bridges on highways, and have been since I was a little kid. The smallest mistake when you are driving on one of those and off the side you go.

Similair to that: Steel deck bridges really, really make me nervous. It just feels like I have no control over the car. It's like driving on linoleum coated in bacon fat.