

Active Member
Dec 15, 2003
Did anyone else hallucinate when a child while having a fewer ?. I was laying in the dark this morning and this weird menacing feeling came over me that usually led me into a hallucination state when a child except it's only 5% of the feeling so i'm more just thinking about when a child and get body chills and do not go into the actual state. For anyone else who had fevers and than hallcucinated how would you describe it with words ?. I remember all of the sudden the room would look really big almost like some planet and some kind of force was putting pressure on me almost like trying to make me not exist and turning me into this compact little sized box in a huge space almost like storage. I remember in my fever state trying really hard to resist the compression and to me it was agonizing. I did get weird visuals felt and kinda see there was something else with me that was really sinister and aggressive as 'the force' that was after me. I think about this in a normal state and can only explain it like an oversized steam roller and you can't get away and know it's coming. Other times I had a complete different experience and would walk around outside and not be able to recall anything almost like I did not exist. I remember my mother telling me later on about how I told her my sister was dead and a man was after me and she would check my head and realize I had a fever because my sister was standing right there with her. I would have had no idea unless she/someone told me. I wish I could explain things like this better.

Also.... does anyone here actually naturally hallucinate ?. If I am in complete dark sometimes will see lines that start forming really detailed and resemble spiders(very detailed) and it use to really freak me out and bug me. I use to actually have to turn on a TV because some light was the only thing that would make the lines disapear. Lines form around ten feet away and than would slowly come towards my eyes and regardless shutting them it does not matter because it's dark. I can actually fall asleep when this happen and can accept they will just pass through my eyes. I knew right off it was just illusions and at the sametime was still freaked out for awile.
I posted about this once.
The room rocking back and forth,distortion of dimensions, your fingers becoming hyper-sensitive, paralysis/numbness, a strange feeling of impending doom, like you're going to implode any minute and then when it's at its peak it all ends with someone screaming or whipsering into your ear. Yes I've experienced all of these in my childhood when lying in bed with a fever. It's fucking creepy as hell for sure. Some sort of chemical in the brain causes this delusional state. Adults can get these too occasionally, especially when they go to bed extremely agitated.
I had this once also in the morning after waking up, or at least something similar. My father was talking to me and he seemed to be further away and every sound I heard took on an echo. In general, there was this strange tingling sensation of distorted reality. As weird as it sounds there is nothing abnormal about it. People experience this sometimes.
I have never experience terror equal to that which I felt during several childhood fever induced hallucinations. They led to me dialing 911 and banging on a neighbors door in a panicked frenzy on two separate occasions. Some messed up shit those fevers were.
I never hallucinated from having a fever. I've had drug induced hallucinations before, obviously. And a few times I had very mild hallucinations when I was very tired, like the night after pulling an all nighter.
I saw a ghost once, I don't know if I was tired or if I was imagining too much shit while being drunk.
i used to get really weird shit frm fevers.i was younger though, and i can;t really remember them.

I do remember though, recently when i was on a salvia trip, i had something like a deja-vu of those crazy things when i had a fever.

oh btw, salvia is fucked.
Yes, I remember I had a very high fever, I was sitting in the front seat beside my Mom waiting in the drive-thru line at McDonald's and I seen a red convertible do a wheelie, I was hallucinating and told my Mom and I'm sure she freaked out, but that's the only time, I was about 8 or 9.
I have had many times and still do even out of my childhood years. The scariest ever was the following story.

I was sleeping in my room and I heard my Dad yell good night to me(this was in my childhood.) His voice seemed over powering though. I thought he as yelling at me with a microphone. Then my bed seemed larger and every sound was followed by an intense reverb. The lights grew more intense. I washed my face with water and it ended.
My friends whole family gets this. I remeber once seeing one of them running naked in a frenzy on my road (he's my neighbor) and was later told that he thought death was coming after him.