The Plastic Surgery Debate Thread

he said something about a brain transplant but it was obviously a joke and nothing particularly offensive.

what is this politically correct BS on the board?

Because 4-5 of his posts were in response to you, but trolling/baiting you. then Ozzman started to get in and soon enough we get everyone in, and Dave fires back, then we end up where we were again with you whining to me about getting posts / warnings and everyone else whines about Dave trolling/posting junk.

Just call me the Pampers of shitty posts for the time being. Some of you guys quit crapping up the place and I'll let you run around in big boy undies. :goggly:
Do you have no fucking shame???

You just came back from a temporary ban because of how much PEOPLE HATE YOU. ARE YOU NOT EMBARASSED IN THE FUCKING LEAST????
^Hey if he's embarassed he can always get fixed!

@CAIRATH, you are undeniably right but hey, do we really want to be controlled that much by social prejudice? Can we only overcome a physical source of mockery adapting to the crappy trend thus surrendering completely to the ones who have laughed at one's defects all along? We're metal man. We can't fuck society economically or militarywise, but that doesn't mean we have to follow all of its ridiculous rules up to the point of getting surgery done to remove something wich, and I'm convinced of this, won't matter in the great picture. Shit, metalheads don't get laid anyway so why bother? :D
from another board

2.What we find attractive

The only people we find sexualy attractive are ones who will give the best chance of giving birth to a healthy baby and ensuring it survives, the traits we find attractive in the opposite sex differs for each gender respectively but the goal is exactly the same, to reproduce successfully.

So what makes a girl attractive?
Men will only find women attractive if they have certain traits or characteristics for successfull reproduction this includes:-
* A curvy body, big hips indicate shes able to give birth
* Pretty face, indicates good genetics for reproduction
* Healthy body, indicates good genetics for reproduction
* Breasts, indicate shes of female gender and passed the stage of puberty meaning she is now fertile
* Youthfullness, indicates fertility
* Caring, kind personality, indicates she will look after the baby.....

Mostly, physical characteristics and nurturing qualities are what makes women attractive, these traits are what subconsiously sparks mens interest
A womens primary role is to give birth, norture and care for the baby.

What makes a guy attractive?
Women will only find men attractive if they have certain traits or characteristics for successfull reproduction this includes:-
* Physical looks, indicate health and good genetics for reproduction
* Dominance, indicates the ability to protect the baby from danger
* Confidence indicates the ability to protect the baby from danger
* Wealth indicates the ability to provide for the baby
* Power indicates the ability to both protect and provide for the baby
* Social status / Social rank indicates all the above

Mostly, status characteristics and provider/protecter qualities are attractive for men, if you was female and was looking for a guy to create a baby with you would always pick the one at the top or the one with the most attractive qualities for reproduction, these traits are what subconsciously sparks women interests.
A mans primary role is to provide and protect the baby.

Just by looking at this you can clearly see that the requirements are different for both sexes but nature has balanced both genders to ensure the babys survival, the female nurtures and cares while the man protects and provides....a classical case of ying & yang, both sexes equally contributing to the baby's survival and are very well balanced to support it, the baby gets everything it needs.
I came up with this mostly

what makes men attractive

-very low body fat% (the lower the better, at 6% the face and cheekbones are very well defined)
-high cheek insertions
-strong, broad shoulders
-solid amount of lean mass (generally 170 + pounds)
-height (5'11' - 6'2' is perfect)
-symmetrical face
-strong features
-clear,healthy looking skin
-nose length 1/2 the width of the mouth
-strong,defined jaw line
-well maintained eye-brows and hair
-tan skin
Goddammit, your an idiot.

With your post you fail to realize that many people have tastes that vary from the craphole ideal you posted.

There is no damn universal indicator of what is good and what is not; just stop it.

