Irrational Fears

Bees and wasps. I've never been stung by any of them before. If I'm outside, I avoid walking near flowers, just at the chance a bumblebee may be around them.

Same here. It's not too irrational though. I got stung by a hornet and my arm blew up for quite a while. I have scarring.

I hate spiders. They make me convulse with disgust.
A lot of people fucking hate spiders here, and so do I. Fucking shit things, I wish they would die, though they do kill mosquitos which is good.
Clowns!- those fucking bastards. They get all up in your face, trying to make you happy when all they do is piss you off. I want to punch every clown in the face and make sure he never tries to make pathetic attempts to make children laugh ever again. (sorry if anyone here is a professional clown :lol: )

and i'm terrified of pigs. Long story.
I'm not surprised by the number of people afraid of spiders; however, I must say I am rather fascinated by spiders and enjoy watching them (especially when they're working on a web).

I wouldn't really call it irrational because it's sort of dangerous, but I hate being underwater on scuba/snorkeling trips. The thought of all those fish swimming around me and the possibility of being attacked/running out of air/drowning is absolutely terrifying to me.

I have many fears, but for some reason, I cannot think of any at the moment.

EDIT: oh yes, I am afraid of getting my eyes gouged/pecked out by birds. I get worried every time a flock of birds are around.
Dying, even though when things happen that can be near death yuo have nothing on your mind because of the adrenaline(I had a little incident earlier this week that coulda ended my life), it goes by so fast, you're left feeling the reality and fear after it's over, realziing that it all can end so quickly when you least expected, it was unusualy because in the moment I had no fears of death or anything, it was so fast, so much adrenaline going on, I'm sure if it did hit I wouldn't have known it, so maybe I shouldn't fear this death thing so much.
Fear of death is far from irrational. It is one of the most natural fears to have. I am very scared of dying. I don't believe in an afterlife, and the thought of eternal nothingness really scares me and creeps me out.
I have a phobia of demolition. I basically fear that the building I'm standing in will collapse if I'm at a level higher than ground. It's not a fear of heights, but rather a fear of the room itself falling on me. I sub-consciously spend a lot of time calculating the how heavy objects in the apartment are, on which ends their weight is concentrated and whether there is a pillar/wall underneath that very point and if the structure as a whole is strong enough.
Mice. Seriously. I had a mouse loose in the house when I was a teen, and I didn't sleep for fucking weeks until my dad stood on it as he got out of bed for a piss one night. The fucking thing ate the corners of like 30 progs of vintage 2000ad too, the cunt.

Any little rustling noises now freak me out - I think there's a mouse on the loose!
I am afraid of getting my eyes gouged/pecked out by birds. I get worried every time a flock of birds are around.

:lol: Surely the most irrational so far! Not that I'm mocking, it's just quite an obscure one.

If I see a spider with an egg sac, I crush that thing brootally with a shovel.

Now I would never do that, with moths, spiders, wasps or anything else. It's just something that feels utterly wrong to me, I think nature is awe-inspiring.

It might seem a contradiction that I'm not a vegetarian, but that is different to me - killing an animal totally needlessly because I don't like it seems wrong, but I'm not against making use of animals for nourishment and practical purposes, as humans have done for all time in their role within the food chain. But I digress.
Mosquitoes don't really harm me, although I hate that sharp buzzing noise they make when they pass right next to your ear.
Other aerial insects often make me petrified-bumblebess, winged roaches, locust, and those flying ants or whatever they're called, whose sting is quite painful.
Today me and some mates were watching Detroit Rock City, and a wasp hovered really ominously through the open window behind the computer screen, and then proceeded to buzz around the room.

Needless to say we were all on our feet ready to flee, but then it flew out again.
I have a fear of getting sniped/shot without realizing it. It's not like I'd give a fuck if I was dead, but I try not to sit near windows where someone with a gun could get a good, clean shot.

I am also afraid of dying in my sleep. Honestly, I want to be very aware that I am about to die and hopefully do it in a cool way. But to expect such a thing is futile.
I have a fear of getting sniped/shot without realizing it. It's not like I'd give a fuck if I was dead, but I try not to sit near windows where someone with a gun could get a good, clean shot.

I am also afraid of dying in my sleep. Honestly, I want to be very aware that I am about to die and hopefully do it in a cool way. But to expect such a thing is futile.

interesting. i think on it sometimes