Irrational Fears

This reminds me of another one of mine. I think about the possibility of dying pretty much every time I'm driving on the highway, or a similarly high-speed road. Just a careless twitch of the wheel, and I could end up slamming right into the trunk of a tree and end it all. Plus, if it's a high-speed two-lane road, I usually wonder if each oncoming car that passes me by is going to swerve over into my lane and crash into me.

I really don't like driving fast.

Oh, man. I've thought about that too. I was driving south on I-95 through Philadelphia once when I thought to myself "hmm... Fairly heavy traffic, and we're all driving about 80. This is a recipe for disaster".
Oh, man. I've thought about that too. I was driving south on I-95 through Philadelphia once when I thought to myself "hmm... Fairly heavy traffic, and we're all driving about 80. This is a recipe for disaster".


Same interstate, same location. I was pinned in the fast lane with heavy traffic, going somewhere around that speed, with an eighteen-wheeler a few inches to my right and the median a few inches to my left. The lane was so tight because of construction at the time. I remember thinking fuck this, there's no way I'm making it to the next exit alive. I also had a similar experience during construction on route 78 a while before this.

Anyways, outhouses scare the shit out of me. Because I read in a book that spiders live in them. Not just any spider, but a black widow spider. Just the idea of me putting my ass down, taking a shit, then it slowly crawling up and biting my right in the ass. Or worse, the asshole. When ever I take a shit in one, I have to stand up right after I shit it out.
I have a fear of things that hide and appear out of nowhere. So things like mice and spiders would do it for me.

And it's not so much what they are. If I always saw mice, I would probably lose my fear of them. But the idea that you don't know where they are and when you may come across one puts a fear in me.
Insects in general for me - well I'm not like afraid of flys or ants or mosquitoes just really annoyed by them but there was this weird centipede thing that was crawling around my basement two days ago and I failed to kill it and because of that I've been paranoid about just walking around the basement.
People touching my hair. Cant fucking stand it.

I feel the same way


used to really hate going (walking, driving, cycling whatever) over any type of bridge. I wanted to hold on to the wall and not go any further when I was little lol.

I HATE snakes. I had baby cobras come in my room when I was in Pakistan and it wasn't a nice experience.

Thoughts of being mutilated. These really freak me out, often to the point of ridiculousness. Sometimes I'll perchance start contemplating what it must have been like when I was getting circumcised. Then I'll get mental images in my head that scare the shit out of me, and I reflexively cup my hand over my penis to comfort it and reassure it that nothing bad is going to happen to it.

I got like that when I heard about that woman that took a pair of scissors to her husbands implement.
I'm afraid of wasps, hornets and ground dwelling bees.

I HATE snakes. I had baby cobras come in my room when I was in Pakistan and it wasn't a nice experience.

I'm not afraid of snakes despite being squeezed hard by a boa constrictor once (at camp a woman brought in a bunch of snakes and one was a huge and heavy boa constrictor and me and two other kids held it and it wrapped around my stomach and squeezed really hard). I don't see how snakes are that scary. When I'm older I want a cobra. I just find them awesome. And if you feed them certain things their bodies don't make venom.

One thing I'm really afraid of is leeches. I don't care how big or small they are, the thought of a little creature sucking my blood is creepy.
When I was younger I was afraid of skeletons, spiders, and the dark. I've been desensitized since. Any insect doesn't scare me now, unless I know it's poisonous.

Currently I'd say my biggest fear is feeling full when it's time for the next meal.
One stupid fear I have is the fear that sometime during a movie in a theater I will have to take a shit.
I'm afraid of wasps, hornets and ground dwelling bees.

I'm not afraid of snakes despite being squeezed hard by a boa constrictor once (at camp a woman brought in a bunch of snakes and one was a huge and heavy boa constrictor and me and two other kids held it and it wrapped around my stomach and squeezed really hard). I don't see how snakes are that scary. When I'm older I want a cobra. I just find them awesome. And if you feed them certain things their bodies don't make venom.

One thing I'm really afraid of is leeches. I don't care how big or small they are, the thought of a little creature sucking my blood is creepy.

having a woman be like 'oh come and pet the snakie he's not gonna eats you' is a bit different to some coming in your room in the night. I mean it could have gone quite badly tbh.
My two biggest fears:

Being stranded, treading water in the middle of the ocean, and...

Being stranded, in a space suit, out in the middle of space.