Is 22 frets do able for Metal?


Jun 3, 2004
Hi ppl just want to ask is a 22 fret electric guitar do able for all kinds of metla genres? I am to use to my Jackson which has 24 frets ... but want to get a new one something like a Fly V or a Les Paul but they are all 22 frets only ...

Would i come to any problems with a 22 fret guitar?

thanks and cheers!:kickass:
personally I prefer to have 24 frets, but basically its not a problem to play metal with 22 frets.... there are quite a lot of people out there who do just this
Scott Ian of Anthrax used to play (I don't know if he still does) guitars with only 12 frets, so yeah.

You're only limited by your imagination.

Now, if only Washburn would bring back their 36 fret electric guitars... :kickass:
Yngwie's guitar has 21 and a half frets and he kills everybody, so yes. I hardly ever touch the 23rd and 24th frets anyways.
viva_360 said:
Hi ppl just want to ask is a 22 fret electric guitar do able for all kinds of metla genres? I am to use to my Jackson which has 24 frets ... but want to get a new one something like a Fly V or a Les Paul but they are all 22 frets only ...

Would i come to any problems with a 22 fret guitar?

thanks and cheers!:kickass:

I prefer 24 frets, but to be honest, it is not often I am using those last few notes on my guitar. I do play solos on the lower part of the neck and upper part of the neck to add some diversity, but no matter what genre of music you play, the "sweet spot" of a guitar is really the middle of the neck anyway. You ge better sustain, easier to bend the strings, the frets are close enough together for speed work, but not so close my fat-ass fingers get in the way of each other. That's just my perspective of it. As far as I know, Yngwie plays with a boatload of guitars with 21 frets and he is quite the shredder.


i play a lp custom and a modded jackson rr5 and a modded strat and i play them both a fuckload more than my 24 fret ibanez. theres something about the scale on 24 fret ibanez guitars.. the sweet spot isnt where it should be and this causes tuning and tone problems apparently.. but dnt quote me
And just think about all the shitty bands like Hatebreed, they seem to be successful and they probably dont play any frets higher then the top 5.