Is America a theocracy?

Originally posted by Duvall
I think Bush is profoundly religious, but I'm pretty sure that Clinton just went through the motions.
I'm not so sure about this. A family that's friends with my family went to the same church as the Clintons in Washington. And I spent many Sundays there with her to watch her father's choir performances, and I'll say this: I don't know Bill's true religious beliefs, but Chelsea is quite religious. She is good friends with this family, even having my friend spend the night at her "house." She was very active in youth ministry events and had a lot of faith, at least I'm told by this mutual friend. I would assume her belief came from one of her parents -- it's rare that 2 athiests would raise a Methodist daughter. But I, too, find it hard to believe such an intelligent guy would be easily duped by religion.