is it just me or does this kick tone suck? [comparison]


Kvlt M3t4l 4 Lyfe
Nov 20, 2009
Hey guys, been having my drummer send me some samples of drums he's recording in his basement this week, and in comparison to some of the samples you guys have on this forum it seems as though every clip he sends to me, there's this sort of "beach ball" effect.... that's the only way i can describe it.

No matter how i process the fucking thing with eq, gate, etc... there's no getting around the horrible tone...

when i compare the kick to something like the "best kick on earth" sample around the forums, this thing pales in comparison. Actually, i think it's horrid.

I've been trying to tell my drummer that it's got to be the room he's recording in, but he insists that it's "just fine." I beg to differ....

If anyone could be so kind as to give these a listen, i'd love to know what sort of advice ya'all have, because i'm tired of listening to a beachball do double bass rolls all day :lol:

wav file of my buddy's kick.. new rubber beaters too... [still sounds like shit? lol]

the apparent "best kick on earth" sample; for comparison
+1 to dropbox

If it's the classic beachball effect then a bit of sweeping an eq peak around should help you find the resonant *boing* frequencies and then you can notch them out. A small pillow in the kick drum helps if you can persuade the drummer to do it
It sounds really thuddy. It could be the tuning, try loosening it, to remove the resonance and just get a good slap. How old/what kind of heads are on it? Are both heads still on? Have you tried with just a plastic beater? How is it miced/With what mic? We need some info here.
Hey llanafreak,

I'm not sure how the drum is tuned but we have not tried a plastic beater, he just moved to a rubber one a while ago and sent me the clip, before he was using regular 'ole felt tip.

As for the skins, i'm pretty sure he has just one of them on, and i've yet to get details on what kind of drum head he's got... if anything i'm thinking it is an Evans of some sort;

oh, and the kick mics he has i believe are a sure beta 52a and an akg d112,

but in this recording i'm positive he used the AKG.
That's pretty much what an AKG D112 sounds like. Beta52 will sound better but not fantastic.

Best Kick on Earth was done with a D6.

However, more muffling is needed. Its really boomy and you can hear theres phase cancellation going on.
ahh i see. Well we'll definitely work on padding the drum a little more, but as far as phase cancellation--

I'm afraid i'm confused. I've tried to grasp the idea of phase cancellation, i understand how it occurs, etc... but i thought that occured only with using more than one microphone? or can it happen with sound waves on any reflective surface? [Hence the muffling? haha]

I apologize if i sound like i don't have a clue. If ya couldn't tell, i'm still very new with much of the recording world jargon :rolleyes:
I've tried to grasp the idea of phase cancellation, i understand how it occurs, etc... but i thought that occured only with using more than one microphone? or can it happen with sound waves on any reflective surface? [Hence the muffling? haha]

Yeah, small space, very reflective. It sounds like you've applied a really short reverb onto it, 100% wet.
Yeah definitely, i've been trying to get him out of that room but for some reason he has no will to get move his drum set anywhere else because of humidity/temps that could affect it.

Either way, once there's what i think to be a "better" recording than what you've heard, i'll get it up here for some more feedback for sure.

thanks for all advice!
Alright, so i emailed the 'ole drummerboy forwarding your guys' comments/concerns, etc...

and he sent me a clip. I'm no expert of acoustics or audio production in general, so i'll leave any praise/bashing up to you all:Saint:,

but the latest sound clip i've been sent is this

and by my own personal opinion i'll vouch as it being MUCH better than before. Not perfect, but a vast improvement.:)
I still recommend turning the beaters the opposite way and using the plastic instead of the rubber. The attack still sounds a little strange, and it's resonating a little much.