Is it just me or...

I guess the regs could be posting more... I never really posted this often before, though I came to check the site at least once a day. Perhaps it's the excitemen't of the new album... or just the fact that we don't have to deal with all the pop-ups and stuff. Either way, I glad to see more activity...
Most of the people on this site are true Anthrax fans just talking about this and that, ofcourse we are having a good time! Whats not to be happy about? There is a new Anthrax album on the way! Cool!
Just wanted you to know that I checked out the Dungeon site and it's very cool mang! Good to see that there is good metal being made in all parts of the world. It's a Metal world! Fantastic!
Originally posted by augdawg2
Just wanted you to know that I checked out the Dungeon site and it's very cool mang! Good to see that there is good metal being made in all parts of the world. It's a Metal world! Fantastic!
Cheers mate!

Just enjoy! :grin: