Is Scott still Washburn Endorser?

This was brought up on the Eddie Trunk interview with Scott Ian a week ago. Scott said he was officially back with Jackson. He went on to say that he and Jackson were designing a new guitar for him.

Looks like you are exactly right on the Jackson sticker. That definitely is a Gibson SG.
yup its true Scott is back with Jackson, the new guitar(s) will be out and on display @ NAMM next year, also he has a signature Randall coming out, which I hear sounds better then the new EVH 5150 III!!
yup its true Scott is back with Jackson, the new guitar(s) will be out and on display @ NAMM next year, also he has a signature Randall coming out, which I hear sounds better then the new EVH 5150 III!!

HOT DAMN. Best news in a long long time. I fucking love my JJ1. I wish they made them and more affordable too. Not a fan of Randall at ALL. Why not go back to Marshall Scott?
Heh, yeah I have heard those, they dont impress me at all. What I do have, however is a Marshall JMP MKII modded by Trace from Voodoo Amps in NYC (the orginal amp that scott ian used on Among was worked on by Trace). I also have one of those TC Electronic Booster/Line Driver pedals. I'll tell you what, combine the 2 and using my JJ1 the tone is unreal. I really think compared to his old tone, the Randall tone just doesn't have as much character.
I totally agree with you, and the only thing you left out is, getting rid of those duncan sh4s and putting in an El Diablo pick up! NOW THAT WOULD BE SICKKKKKK...!!! I have never played a MKII I'll have to check one out, yeah Voodoo Amps I have a friend that got work done there sweet! TC, you basically have what Mr Ian was using during that period of time.
there are no photos out yet; trust me I already asked him to share LOL they were still in design last I heard from him, this was end of OCT. They will be out next year along with his sig Randall.
No, the only thing I was told is that they are working on it, he went down to the shop in San Fran, and it will be ready for the NAMM show in 2010; I asked for photos but he didn't have any at the time. Considering the man is busy I'm not going to ask again, so I like yourselves, fans of the all mighty Jackson Ian Line, we will all have to wait, by the way anyone see my JJ1 Matrix? LOL; And please do you selves a favor, get the USA models... Japan versions suck ass, hey they might be cheap, but cheap is what you get!

No, the only thing I was told is that they are working on it, he went down to the shop in San Fran, and it will be ready for the NAMM show in 2010; I asked for photos but he didn't have any at the time. Considering the man is busy I'm not going to ask again, so I like yourselves, fans of the all mighty Jackson Ian Line, we will all have to wait, by the way anyone see my JJ1 Matrix? LOL; And please do you selves a favor, get the USA models... Japan versions suck ass, hey they might be cheap, but cheap is what you get!

Do you have picture of your Matrix JJ1?? This guitar was so amasing.
I have the JJ2 and like it so much.
Thats a cool guitar but Ed Roman is a freaking douche-bag. Hope you didnt get ripped off too much.

ahhahahah he actually ended up sending the guitar to Mike Learn out in CO. Mike is the guy that actually deserves all the credit.

naw, I think ED gave me a good deal, probably because we know some of the same people and he's from my home town. Not sure. I heard some horror stories about the man... but I have not had a bad experince with him. I will say this, I will be going directly to Mike for my next guitar project.... Boston Celtics Jackson JJ2!!!! (just got to find a green kill button):worship:
I have always liked Spitz's Jackson with the Turtles on it he used in the original ATL tour ....