Is someone interested in mixing a 3-Track demo?


Nov 23, 2007
Hi there,

we're looking for someone to mix our demo. We were tryin' it by ourselves, but we think it's better to give it away to someone with fresh ears.

The demo consits of 3 songs: Craving for The Sin, Truth & Until You Bleed.

I've uploaded the audio tracks for Until You Bleed here: The tempo of the song is 164BPM.

To get an idea how the song is originally meant you can listen to a homerecording version with drumcomputer from 2007 here:

The quality of the audiotracks is more rough ... I don't know how much you can get out of it. You can use all your trigger-stuff, effects and be as creative as you want.

If you need DI tracks or additional tracks for a better result please tell me.

Thanks in advance & cheers
Post the files for one song (include DIs). Let us know what the BPM is etc.
People here will have fun mixing it.
You & your band will pick your favourite mix at which point you will contact the person that mixed it and work out something from there.
Happy ending.
Post the files for one song (include DIs). Let us know what the BPM is etc.
People here will have fun mixing it.
You & your band will pick your favourite mix at which point you will contact the person that mixed it and work out something from there.
Happy ending.

Post the files for one song (include DIs). Let us know what the BPM is etc.
People here will have fun mixing it.
You & your band will pick your favourite mix at which point you will contact the person that mixed it and work out something from there.
Happy ending.

This :)
Post the files for one song (include DIs). Let us know what the BPM is etc.
People here will have fun mixing it.
You & your band will pick your favourite mix at which point you will contact the person that mixed it and work out something from there.
Happy ending.

I love this Forum!!

Everybody wins here by learning or getting his band a decent sound.

Ok ... I'm going to upload the first song now. I'm very excited about your results. :)

There are no DI-Tracks. If you need some - tell me. I call my guitarist right of his girlfriends bed and let him play the whole night through. :D

Status: UPLOADING 90%

Ok ... I'm going to upload the first song now. I'm very excited about your results. :)

There are no DI-Tracks. If you need some - tell me. I call my guitarist right of his girlfriends bed and let him play the whole night through. :D


Actually, just get us video of whatever they're up to instead and we'll make do without DI tracks! :lol: j/k dude!
Looking forward to getting to play around on this mix!

Ok ... I'm going to upload the first song now. I'm very excited about your results. :)

There are no DI-Tracks. If you need some - tell me. I call my guitarist right of his girlfriends bed and let him play the whole night through. :D


Did you go somewhere to record this or did you record it yourselves? If there are no DI tracks, the drums are poorly recorded, you're already opting to record MORE vocal tracks just in case... it's like, defeating the purpose of recording it first time anyway. I guess I don't really have a point... I was just pointing that out. I hope it turns out well though! :headbang:
I know ... the Audio Engineer did some overtime for us, correcting the drum tracks. Our drummer completely fucked up. We had to force him using click.

P.S. I will edit the first post if the files are finally online. In the meanwhile you can listen to the track I'm uploading in a pre-production version, which I did by myself using the EzDrummer-Pod-you-know-that-shit-stuff, to get an idea how it's roughly meant.
This is precisely why God invented Identify Beat. And Beat Detective. And people who know how to understand what a band is trying to do and take the time to fix it.
Next time instead of trying to play to a click, make the click track to the song.

Time is money. And it would take a lot of money to fix those drums.
Got nothing to do, so i gave it a shot. Unfortunately mostly trough headphones (it´s late), but i think it came out pretty decent. Some things i noticed is that my kick has to much click and i forgot the right toms and the whispers. I tried to quantize the drums in cubase once again for practice, but there are always points where i suck! Otherwise great song, thanks for sharing. Pretty quick test with no mastering. It Bleeds.mp3

^ Updated mix, roughly quantized and mastered...
Wow ...that sounds awesome! That's damn sure more than I expected. The solo guitar and the vocals need to be a bit more in the front here and than and you completely took out the whisper-parts, which should be quitely hearable.

Otherwise great job!
The guys are going to kill me, if I tell them to record everything again :D But okay...

Do you need every part of every instrument as a DI track or only basic parts like rhytm guitars?
For future reference, goto a studio to track the drums to a click as tight as you can. Then pay someone here to quantize them for you (see
Once done, record the DIs at home using a good DI & interface, monitoring with an ampsim or something. Vocals can be done at home too if you have the cash for a good mic & pre but you're prob best to goto a studio for this too for now. Melodyne/Autotune may have to be employed judging by the vocals I heard above.
Once everything has been tracked, just follow the steps I posted above which I'll repeat for the sake of it:
Post the files for one song (include DIs). Let us know what the BPM is etc.
People here will have fun mixing it.
You & your band will pick your favourite mix at which point you will contact the person that mixed it and work out something from there.
Happy ending.

I know it's a bit late now, but this is probably the best advice I can give any band looking at getting great results out of their recordings.

Also, editing your original post to exclude vital information was not cool. For example you originally said the following
We can't pay you that much, because there's no band budget at the moment and we're already payin' artwork and cd copies with our private budget.
Personally, I'd focus on paying someone here for a great quality mix above artwork & duplication, afterall, what good is all of that if the CD is unlistenable?