Thanks man! 
Today i made a little update, you can find it here
I brought the drums down a little bit, 'cos it was overpowering a little and it falls more in place with the rest now. A added a little bass to the bassguitar because i thought it was a lacking a little low-end in the overall sound. And in the 1st version the vocals had some weird 200hz'ish type of sound to it, that's gone now too

Today i made a little update, you can find it here
I brought the drums down a little bit, 'cos it was overpowering a little and it falls more in place with the rest now. A added a little bass to the bassguitar because i thought it was a lacking a little low-end in the overall sound. And in the 1st version the vocals had some weird 200hz'ish type of sound to it, that's gone now too