Is someone interested in mixing a 3-Track demo?

For future reference, goto a studio to track the drums to a click as tight as you can. Then pay someone here to quantize them for you (see

Thanks for the plug, I would actually refuse to correct those. :lol:

He did say it was just a demo, a demo is a good indication the strengths and weaknesses of the band and IMO shouldn't be heard by many people outside the band. Cleaning up the tracks on a demo won't help the band improve.
Thanks for the plug, I would actually refuse to correct those. :lol:

He did say it was just a demo, a demo is a good indication the strengths and weaknesses of the band and IMO shouldn't be heard by many people outside the band. Cleaning up the tracks on a demo won't help the band improve.

True, but he did state that they're paying for artwork and CD duplication, it was just edited out of the original post which is why I explained my issues with it above. This indicates to me that this 'demo' will be distributed to those outside of the band, another reason why I wouldn't skimp on the production.
so it's not a demo then LOL

OK there are two kinds of demos
Production/songwriting demos. quick recordings of the band playing together to document the progress of the band, strengths and weaknesses. These are important so you don't waste everyones time in the studio when you realize you can't play.

Promotional demo, shorter than an EP, lower budget but produced somewhat like a real album. Used to get gigs and attract labels. IMO these are pointless these days. Bands don't need labels these days.
The guys are going to kill me, if I tell them to record everything again :D But okay...

Do you need every part of every instrument as a DI track or only basic parts like rhytm guitars?

well if you can record DI´s of everything it would be better...
and i think the others that want to mix the song will appreciate it
It's a promotional Demo. It should not be perfect but good. Everything about it is low budget, except the Axe FX which I used recording the guitar tracks :D We got a special price for the artwork and we are only making 100 cd copies.

I'm aware of all the issues regarding the drums and the still unprofessional way of recording. We're working on it. If you see other problems ... pleae tell me. I can take it and will think over all critics and advices to improve myself.

As far as the DIs goes ... it could take a few days - but they will come. In the meantime you can still try working with the files you already have, if you want to. I'd love to get ideas how it could sound at the end.

P.S. Sorry for editing the first post ... I thought it would be more clearly that way.
Got nothing to do, so i gave it a shot. Unfortunately mostly trough headphones (it´s late), but i think it came out pretty decent. Some things i noticed is that my kick has to much click and i forgot the right toms and the whispers. I tried to quantize the drums in cubase once again for practice, but there are always points where i suck! Otherwise great song, thanks for sharing. Pretty quick test with no mastering. It Bleeds.mp3

^ Updated mix, roughly quantized and mastered...

How do you quantize the drums if you had bleed from overheads? You are speaking about quantize audio not midi, right? If all the tracks got bleed from the bass drum, it´s almost impossible to quantize, it´s not right?
How do you quantize the drums if you had bleed from overheads? You are speaking about quantize audio not midi, right? If all the tracks got bleed from the bass drum, it´s almost impossible to quantize, it´s not right?

Ah the orchgrinder:). Don´t know if i understood you correct, but it´s all about multitrack quantizing. You always have to quantize false hits on every track simultaneously (certainly a single quantized hit on any single track is still wrong on the others). In protools you have beat detective to do this, in cubase you must know some tricks. But in this case i quantized the tracks without kickdrum, cause with a highpass around 500hz on the overheads you don´t notice false kickdrum hits in the mix. Kick was done separately. I converted the audio to MIDI and than quantized it (of course replaced ), much easier.
Why the hell should they record DI´s, imho the tracks are sounding very good. Apart from the drum timing issues i´ve heard a lot worse tracks here, that sounded pro in the end.

well im not saying that they MUST record them
but its always good to have DI´s for trying
different amps , cabinets , effects , etc...

i dont think that the recording sounds bad (except for the drum timing issues...)
but its always good to have options.

Ah the orchgrinder:). Don´t know if i understood you correct, but it´s all about multitrack quantizing. You always have to quantize false hits on every track simultaneously (certainly a single quantized hit on any single track is still wrong on the others). In protools you have beat detective to do this, in cubase you must know some tricks. But in this case i quantized the tracks without kickdrum, cause with a highpass around 500hz on the overheads you don´t notice false kickdrum hits in the mix. Kick was done separately. I converted the audio to MIDI and than quantized it (of course replaced ), much easier.

Ah ok! I understand but it seems a tremendous fucking job to do if the drummer is so bad:Puke: The melodyne to that kind of things is gold. We can do almost everything with the tracks. Thanks for the explanation:)
Ah ok! I understand but it seems a tremendous fucking job to do if the drummer is so bad:Puke: The melodyne to that kind of things is gold. We can do almost everything with the tracks. Thanks for the explanation:)

Yeah and that is why i can´t use crossfades on this, cause i don´t know how to fill the space between the events (after cutting and quantizing) if it´s way to worse played. I used timewarp (elastic audio in protools), but this lowers the quality of the material.
Tumtumtum , here's my mix Listen

I will listen back tomorrow when my ears are back in its normal form :) Been busy with this now for several hours, but i can say that i'm really really satisfied with it. Hope you guys enjoy and give some feedback :)

It seems you've uploaded your mix in a private folder. I don't get access to it.


Please check your PNs on myspace :)