Is steve coming back?

Will isn't TRYING to put Steve down. Will was VERY VERY excited when steve joined the band. Will was one of the biggest contributors on Steve's forum.

Will is Upset, Will is Angry and Will is Disappointed that Steve would do something like this to the fans. Nevermore has always been a "Fan Friendly" band and all the sudden Steve comes around and shit is hush hush, We barely heard anything about the Kidney thing or even if the guy was OK. This was not by Warrel or anyone in nevermore choice other then Steve.

Steve is playing the "oh pity me card" he has been for over 2 years now and its fucking pathetic. Steve is all about keeping things HUSH HUSH, and its bullshit. Warrel will tell you anything you ask him. As will Jeff, Jim and Van. Steve doesn't fit here.

I am Friends with Steve have been since 95 and Im a huge NM and Testament fan. The shit Steve is pulling is shit.

And for all you assholes who think he "Cant get on stage cause hes sick"... Heres a little quote from a post he made TODAY on his own forum.

"I'm up for anything; seeing as how it's been a while since I've been on a stage (with exception to my recent Sweet Leaf farewell gig, it has been almost a year and a half really), I'm really looking forward to this in a big way"

This is cause hes playing this weekend on stage with Uli John Roth at Sky-Academy. So don't be telling me hes "Sick" and cant get on stage. His kidney was replaced almost a year ago and hes perfectly fine.

hes just being a cock. Nevermore brought him into the spotlight and now hes all glitz and glamor hanging with the other guitar celebrities cause he was on the cover of Guitar One magazine. BIG WHOPPTEY FUCKING DO.....

The asshole doesn't return phone calls, and he doesn't reply to emails, so what does that tell you. HES AVOIDING US, THE FANS and Refuses to answer.

Can i blame Warrel for not kicking him out. NO, I'm sure with as much as they got along on tour, had fun in the studio and had a great time writing some amazing songs, He doesn't want to believe Steve would leave the band like that and not say anything.

Was as fans had ALL hoped that this would be the one guy that would stick around a while, but once again they thought "the grass is greener" someplace else.
im bored and feel like talking about this so ill add a few things

there seems to be some shit on both ends. i asked warrel to his face after the dvd show what the deal with steve was, and he looked at me and said "i havent really talked to steve." i didnt then and still dont understand now how a new member and guitarist of a band that just recently released a kick ass album that terrorizor magazine gave a 10/10 could not "talk" to his bandmates for an extended period of time, especially during the shit he was going through with is kidney and everything?

also, every member of nevermore, like steve, has been publically silent on the issue for almost, what, 2 years? why doesnt wd or jeff just come out and say "steve is still in the band, he just cant tour right now..." or "steve isnt in the band".....or even "fuck it, steve apparently moved to london and left us hanging...we're trying to get in contact with him and see what the deal is..." no one, steve or any member of nevermore has publically said ANYTHING. im my mind, although im not mad about the issue like some here appear to be (im just curious), i think that BOTH parties are at fault concerning the fans' current knowledge of the situation.

i remember at the dvd show thinking how cool it would be if nevermore played one of steve's songs and said "this is dedicated to steve smyth who cannot be with us tonight...." blah blah....and nothing. not even a mention of him on stage. it really seems like steve just disappeared. one and done, see ya later nevermore and neither party is talking about it.

this has the makings of a fued and really hope it doesnt come to that. but things seem almost at the boiling point and i wish someone in nevermore or steve himself would just alleviate the tension and tell us what's up.
Yeah, seriously guys. Everyone's ripping on Steve now, when there are other members in the band who are being just as "secretive" about the issue as he is. Why focus in on him? Why aren't you flaming Jeff for not telling you whether or not he's still in? What about Warrel?
And to be fair all around

"lets get Jim to write a cool bassline and have James Murphy soloing over it... then stick it before this song since it doesn't flow"

Well to be quite honest Will ... if you wanna quote this then let me say .... This was Warrels idea i believe or Jeffs cant remember ... AND ....

Heres proof it was a BAD idea and that Steves songs Flowed ALOT better together then with this silly instrumental in there. (This is the albums actual transition) (This is what SHOULD have been)

Now as we all know Medicated transitions into Holocaust, which imho was what killed the "Flow" of the album. If you listen to the album and SKIP holocaust the flow is amazing.

So .. wanna talk about the flow of the album..... it wasnt Steves songs that killed it. It was Jims :)
im bored and feel like talking about this so ill add a few things

there seems to be some shit on both ends. i asked warrel to his face after the dvd show what the deal with steve was, and he looked at me and said "i havent really talked to steve." i didnt then and still dont understand now how a new member and guitarist of a band that just recently released a kick ass album that terrorizor magazine gave a 10/10 could not "talk" to his bandmates for an extended period of time, especially during the shit he was going through with is kidney and everything?

also, every member of nevermore, like steve, has been publically silent on the issue for almost, what, 2 years? why doesnt wd or jeff just come out and say "steve is still in the band, he just cant tour right now..." or "steve isnt in the band".....or even "fuck it, steve apparently moved to london and left us hanging...we're trying to get in contact with him and see what the deal is..." no one, steve or any member of nevermore has publically said ANYTHING. im my mind, although im not mad about the issue like some here appear to be (im just curious), i think that BOTH parties are at fault concerning the fans' current knowledge of the situation.

i remember at the dvd show thinking how cool it would be if nevermore played one of steve's songs and said "this is dedicated to steve smyth who cannot be with us tonight...." blah blah....and nothing. not even a mention of him on stage. it really seems like steve just disappeared. one and done, see ya later nevermore and neither party is talking about it.

this has the makings of a fued and really hope it doesnt come to that. but things seem almost at the boiling point and i wish someone in nevermore or steve himself would just alleviate the tension and tell us what's up.

Cause Steve technically "IS NOT" out of the band. Warrel DID NOT kick him out. Warrel doesnt know whats going on. As he said HE HASNT TALKED TO STEVE.


The band isn't going to sit there and just say "O well Stevens not around so lets not carry on"

Steve is the one being a dick about the situation, Warrel cant say whether hes in or not cause he doesn't even know what Steve wants to do.
Ah hell with it, just move on and record without him then. People have better shit to do if this is the case.
Which is what i believe is happening after all the Festivals and Tour dates on their plate.......

God this is worse than spinal tap
It would make a fantastic pilot episode. Lets set up cameras in all their houses. We know Will has one in Warrel's shower, kitchen, bedroom, and living room, and Jace in all of Jeff's. Any other volunteeers?
I just noticed Steve is not on nevermores myspace top friends. But Chris is.
Steve was on there at one point, right? That seems a little strange.