Is that Warrel Dane?



... on Dimmu Borgir World Misanthropy DVD, half-drunk, saying this loud: I LOVE SATAN! "SAT´N" ???
Sorry if this has been posted before, couldnt search for it because the board has deactivated the function.
Pretty funny :lol:
I have a friend who's a big fan of the ol' Dimmu Borgir. That aside, he's pretty cool.
I got wasted at his once and he put that on. He has a habit of getting drunk and telling me that he got into Nevermore because he watched that DVD and seen Narcosynthesis being played live. He constantly tells me about how great it is when Dimmu storm the stage in the way that only a cheesy synth-based-blackish-metal-band-with-Pop-Eye-on-vocals can.
whats half-drunk the other half, rasta spinach????

you dorks make me laugh!!!!

yeh. at one point the dudes in dimmu also bring a plant out on stage while nevermore is playing and WD sits on it for some reason. that DVD also shows that a huge tubby dude (barker) can still unleash some crazy blast beats and tons of quick fills an whatnot (waiting for a bunch of fuckheads to say he sucks becuase he uses triggers, as if everyone else doesnt).