Is the D6 really low gain


Sep 12, 2007
or did I just get a dud? Seems like I have to get the gain very high to get it up to the level of say a 57 in the kick. Should I worry?
It's designed to handle quite high SPLs, so it will need more gain than a 57. That being said, you shouldn't have any trouble getting enough level out of it with the average stock preamp trim pot on most interfaces. If it's difficult to do that and/or noisy, then you may have a dud mic.

I own two D6s and they both work identically, it's a consistent line, but defects happen in every industry.
yeah it seems like I have to push it up around 40db of gain (on a 22 inch kick) comared to around 20-25db for a 57 to get around the same level (roughly -18dbfs). Does this seem about right?
or did I just get a dud? Seems like I have to get the gain very high to get it up to the level of say a 57 in the kick. Should I worry?

I just encountered this on my last session with a D6... I was thinking the same thing.. maybe my mic was busted. I don't remember ever having low gain with it before, but I've started using the Beta 52 more often so I'm used to a different mic on the kick.
