When is "low gain" too low?


Feb 20, 2005
I know tons of people here go on and on about lowering the gain for rhythm guits, and make no mistake, I totally agree - I run my JSX with the gain on 5 on the Ultra channel - but only to a point. For example, I was listening to the Halo 2 soundtrack tonight, and when the Breaking Benjamin song "Blow me Away" came on (which I hate to admit I'm quite enjoying), I was pretty impressed with the tone...until the bridge came in. Anyone who has access to this song, listen to the part starting at 2:25, especially the single notes in the "breakdown" of sorts, and tell me that doesn't sound so fucking wimpy with the gain that low. It works for the chords in the rest of the song, but the palm mutes/single notes IMO really need that saturated fizz that a little more gain would provide.

Whaddya guys think?

Oh, and speaking of the Halo 2 OST, anyone else think Steve Vai's performance in the MJOLNIR march seems really phoned in? Lots of notes out of key, and generally I feel not very inspiring soloing compared to his other stuff...
I know exactly what you mean - in this kinda case, you need to either use a different amp, an OD pedal, pick harder, etc, etc, etc.

That said, on their latest album, Phobia... no wimpy guitars there. That album sounds so fucking good; Ben Grosse is a genius!
i have actually been thinking the same thing. sometimes low gain helps definition, others it is a little old school metal for my taste. when reamping, i generally go for less gain, but some parts seem a little to clean. its hard to find a happy medium. good call on using different settings for those parts. i just thought it may be hard to blend different tones, cause i usually strive for consistency