Is there a common "mind frame" amongst metal fans?

MURAI said:
A common paradigm in metal is the "I'm more underground and better than you" attitude with some belittlement of the masses. I don't think something is great just because it is more obscure. It's annoying to see some metallers bash something soley because it attracts some mainstream attention. Ironically, I think that's just as bad as the trend hoppers who follow what's mainstream at the time just because it's popular.

Another common mindframe you can find in most metallers is a dead serious attitude to music and life in general. I guess it is because its artists deal with some serious subject matter like war and metal illness. Also, it's probably because metal bands express intense emotions and listeners can really relate to it.

Obviously, metal can't get wide mainstream approval since it sounds harsh and deals with rather negative subject matter.

I agree with Murai's comments above wholeheartedly.

As for some of the original post, I think Metalheads tend to be more Liberal-leaning because of the general essence of their frame of mind. Liberals tend to be accepting of things that are a tad different: art, movies, social interactions, religious beliefs, overall ways of life.

Conservatives have a little more close-minded way of thinking (IMO) about things that tend to go outside the lines of their everyday lives. This is not necessarily a bad thing but can be when used to try to corral others freedoms and expressions.

And as for why Metalheads seem to enjoy the music that we do, I think it lies in the way we are just wired upstairs. There is something about the loud and complex guitars that has enchanted me since I was 13 years old.

Also, a lot of Metalheads I know (myself included) have gone through some serious shit in our lives, a lot of it life changing. I think that subconciously our souls seem to have a bit of a common ground with some of the violent nature of Metal as a whole. While I have a mellowed out a bit in the last couple of years and maybe don't enjoy a lot of the overly aggressive Metal that I used to, I still and will always love Metal as a whole.

Great thread!
well, I have found what you are saying to be true but we are not all the same...I have non-religious spiritual beliefs, which makes me a non-atheist, and yes, I will be voting for Bush...But you know, more and more musicians are coming out of the closet and voting conservative now...Dave Mustiane is a prime example...And of course, the great Billy Milano.

There is no reason all metalheads must be right or left, spiritual or non, etc...diversity can be a good thing, even as a minority among metalheads (because of my beliefs and politics), I am not going to go along with some popular standpoint that isn't me.

What should bond us together is our love of the music, not politics, or religion.
Captain_Steel said:
What should bond us together is our love of the music, not politics, or religion.
And that's the bottom line!
Next thread please ;)
Captain_Steel said:
What should bond us together is our love of the music, not politics, or religion.
The point of the thread was not a rant stating what metal fans should do, or how they should feel/vote/think, etc.

Rather, the point of the thread was to seek an answer to a question. And that question is simply "Are most metal fans of like-mind?".

The bond/love for the music is an understood given.
We're hoping to delve further into the psyche of the "metal mind".