Is there a magic plug-in....


Readin' me posts are ya?
May 16, 2001
Surbiton. The Posh bit
....that will clean up sound dramatically, or have I been watching too many episodes of CSI where they pick out a conversation from a recording of a busy street?

I basically have some video footage of a show my band just played. I've ripped the audio from the avi and while the clean stuff we do sounds okay, once it gets into the heavy parts it just sounds like a plane taking off and distorts to buggery. I've had a bit of a poke around in Soundforge without much success.

Anything out there that might help?

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If there's only a really tiny bit, Waves X-Crackle and X-Noise might help you - turn them up to buggery. I've just been playing around with a CD for a punk band where the guitars clip all over the place (fantastic work on the studio's part there :bah:) and X-Crackle managed to get rid of most of it, though you have to balance no crackle with no high-end.

That was really slight though - anything more than that and you're screwed really. If it's really really distorted, you've already lost half the waveform to clipping and there's no way to get it back.

Next time you use a home camera to record a live show, put something really dense on the mic (like duct tape or a shitload of foam). Consumer camera's internal mic sucks. Even prosumer and professional camera's only have mic's designed to pick up ambience. Most really nice cameras have exsternal plugs for nicer mics to be plugged in EX a shotgun mic.
I have a ton of old VHS footage of my old performances that I am "remastering":heh: I kinda work with Adobe premeire for video production. Your not totally fucked, unless it's REAL bad. For over modulated shit, I don't have a good time with xcrackle or xhum (it takes out to much highs). I put a C4 or similar multiband on it. Cut the high end noise till it's gone. Put another multiband on it and adjust your highs back in. You've eliminated the noise, and made the audio "Decent." It's just enough to halfass remedy the shrill lameness of overmodulation. Yeah, now, I use an AT4050, when board tracks are not available. Works fuckin great, for a quick, clean audio track with cheap video.:lol: