Is there any way to get DigiDesign Hardware to run on non-Pro Tools platforms?


Ultimate Meatbag
Sep 2, 2001
Spokane, WA
I have an M-Box. I am not really fond of Pro Tools yet. I would like to know if there is any way to get the M-Box to run on other platforms (Acid Pro, Adobe Audition, Cubase, Sonar, etc)?

- OR -

Anyone wanna buy an M-Box? I would like to get my hands on a Presonus Firepod or comparable firewire interface for my new laptop.
stick with pro tools, it'll be worth it.
if you installed the digi asio driver, you should be able to use it in anything
It's no problems running e.g. Cubase with m-box. The asio drivers should install automatically when you install protools. Just make sure that cubase uses the digidesign asio driver
I got Nuendo working with a Digi 002 but I was getting horrible artifacts every 30 seconds or so. Went back to Tools.
I had problems using my mbox in cubase, but after going to the digidesign download section of the site i got the standalone drivers for the mbox and hey presto it was up and running with no problems at all.

Some of you might go "Dee Dee Deee" when I say this, but part of the problem I am running into now is my new laptop has Windows Vista.

I'm just gonna wait until I get a fuckin Firepod, but if anyone comes up with something in the meantime, hit me up.