Is there anybody better than Andy?

Nick M

Chuck Norris is my uncle
Apr 30, 2011
I have not yet found someone who has mixed fast, heavy albums better in my opinion.:worship: Everything else seems to be lacking somewhere in the mix.
(too thin, too sharp,etc..):puke:
Is there anyone else?

I love Randy Staub for some slow hard rock / metal, but for the fast stuff I can not see his mixes working with such big low end and all.

I want a hybrid - "Randy Sneap" to mix the next As They Sleep album.

I am also not saying that everyone else sucks, I do still like the job Jason Seucoff did on our last record, but I want more dammit!
As i lay dying - An ocean between us

Machine head - The blackening (sick guitar sound)

Although his mixes is a little bit repetitive, but i do belive Andys mixes are to, you know you can spot an Andy snare a mile away with that reverb.
^ Yeah

That said, I think Jens Bogren did an amazing job with Soilworks latest album, I wouldn't say it sounds better or worse than any Sneap mix, just different, but you might want to check it out.