Why is everyone posting there mixes in the main page now?

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If you recall there were days we had no sub forums here at all. Nobody died. To my knowledge, they were in fact the golden years.


The Rate My Mix section has turned into unfinished stuff and people with maybe a bit less experience looking for advice which is perfectly fine but, I visit that particular sub-forum the least of them all.

I think it's perfectly fine to post your finished ALBUM in the main forum, granted it's QUALITY (subjective) and you're not fishing for advice.

IDK, I'm fine with it. I really only click on the links that I KNOW are going to be great based on WHO POSTED THE THREAD.... =D

No more drama. Let's all get along!
Yup. Go to a forum with huge traffic, like gearslutz and check how many hits their 'mixes' section gets. Pretty much nothing there either.

I'm not a big lurker on gearslutz, do people post mixes on the main forum there cause the traffic sucks in the mix section?

I would guess the mods would move them to the mix section.

The Rate My Mix section has turned into unfinished stuff and people with maybe a bit less experience looking for advice which is perfectly fine but, I visit that particular sub-forum the least of them all.

Guess what is going to happen with the main forum. Same thing but with finished mixes.

What is so wrong with having a place to post your mixes?
I like it to be honest! I like seeing the more established guys progress with their finished works.
I like seeing Ermz/ lasse etc finished products I think it's great.

Agreed with NOT wanting to sift through the RMM section fOr that. I take that sub to be u finished mixes. Otherwise, wouldn't the unfinished mixes belong in 'production tips' seeing as people are looking for help on their mix??
There's not that many finished mixes going around in comparison to how much shit there is in the rate my derp forum. I enjoy seeing ermz, CJ, Ryan et al posting their finished products on the main page. There's no rating to be done, no advice, just opinions and congratulations. I agree there should be very diligent moderating on this line however.

A 'post your stems' forum may be cool, but will very likely quickly descend into the oblivion of people posting unedited, poorly tracked songs in the hopes of scoring 'sweet free' mixes back. It should be saved for well tracked, edited, quality tracks that people can actually learn from. Otherwise we're just contributing to the great misinformation epidemic. I believe nicks stuff belongs on the front page because of the standard of his work, and it is a great educational tool for people who need better quality tracks with which to learn through mixing. It gives them an in depth look at what they should be aiming for during tracking. Provide people with shit and it's not gonna do anything for them. We already have enough lessons around in here in what not to do.

Fwiw I will be posting mine and CJs collaboration in the main forum in the next week. Try and stop me.

Imo, it's very difficult to differentiate between who's allowed to post finished stuff in the main section and who's not...
It doesn't get better, just more difficult to move threads and to degrade work from "junior-members" that's up to par(maybe, but who can decide(early enough, time problem...))?

Aka, more work for the mods(mainly Lasse, imo) and less diaphanousness for seniors/ juniors.

I can just speak for myself but if I see a mix thread(of any kind) from CJ(for example) I'll gonna check it, no matter if it's in the rate my mix or offtopic or penis sub.

I just advocate to post everything mix related in the rate my mix section with the add on "finished", if it would be handled that way the rate my mix area would come to live a little bit more, imo, and everyone could make a benfit out of it(hopefully) even if a rating is not what the opener asked for.

/2cents(little drunk, hopefully everything is coherent)
There's not that many finished mixes going around in comparison to how much shit there is in the rate my derp forum. I enjoy seeing ermz, CJ, Ryan et al posting their finished products on the main page. There's no rating to be done, no advice, just opinions and congratulations. I agree there should be very diligent moderating on this line however.

A 'post your stems' forum may be cool, but will very likely quickly descend into the oblivion of people posting unedited, poorly tracked songs in the hopes of scoring 'sweet free' mixes back. It should be saved for well tracked, edited, quality tracks that people can actually learn from. Otherwise we're just contributing to the great misinformation epidemic. I believe nicks stuff belongs on the front page because of the standard of his work, and it is a great educational tool for people who need better quality tracks with which to learn through mixing. It gives them an in depth look at what they should be aiming for during tracking. Provide people with shit and it's not gonna do anything for them. We already have enough lessons around in here in what not to do.

Fwiw I will be posting mine and CJs collaboration in the main forum in the next week. Try and stop me.


Yea i agree, it's not bad yet and i love checking out everyone's finished work as just as much as others. I was just trying to spot a potential problem for the near future and fix it early to keep the forum clean. Some remeber this was just one forum a while back with no sub forums. Then it got so cluttered with threads it had to be split up into sub forums. Well if everyone starts posting mixes in the main page i felt it would end up being the same and needing a sub forum to keep it clean.

I must ask because some said it's fine if you put in hard work. Why is to say Ermz, Cj, or whomever is worthy over the kid who spent a month in his room writing, recording and mixing his song with his pod and slate drums? Why does he not deserve front page attention. He put in the same amount of hard work and is not looking to be rated but just show off his hard work just like them. I hope they all follow suit and post there work as well as it is only fair in my eyes.

Guess some don't agree with me and that is fine. I guess lets all just start posting our finished mixes on the main page that do not need to be rated.
I must ask because some said it's fine if you put in hard work. Why is to say Ermz. Cj, or whomever worthy over the kid who spent a month in his room writing, recording and mixing his song with his pod and slate drums? Why does he not deserve front page attention. He put in the same amount of hard work and is not looking to be rated but just show off his hard work just like them. I hope they all follow suit and post there work as well as it is only fair in my eyes.

Exactly what I thought!

For me(personally) the "rate my mix" section is the "mix section", if it's finished or in progress doesn't matter, it's THE place for mixes, imo.

That's our place to show mixes or "begging" for advice.
Exactly what I thought!

For me(personally) the "rate my mix" section is the "mix section", if it's finished or in progress doesn't matter, it's THE place for mixes, imo.

That's our place to show mixes or "begging" for advice.

Exactly! Everyone used to post there finished mixes there. I have seen 1000 finished mixes in that forum. I have always posted mine there as well. I even remember tons of Stugis mixes posted there from back in the day, not that this really matters just trying to say everyone used to post finished work there even way back when. So all those saying the Rate my mix is for the unfinished shit is kinda a joke to me. It has been used for finished mixes as well for as long as i can remember. It's not till as of late that people don't feel they get the same attention or something and need to post on the main page.
People generally don't seem to like wading through every bedroom project to get to 'release quality' stuff. I think if you've worked for a few months on a project, and the client has invested serious money, its valid to take up a single spot on the main page. God forbid your weeks of hard work inconvenience someone to roll their mousewheel one more time!

If you recall there were days we had no sub forums here at all. Nobody died. To my knowledge, they were in fact the golden years.

If you recall in those days there were far fewer people and most of us were amateurs/semi-pros at best. It was the people that posted and their common background and ambitions that made it the golden years, not the lack of sub forums.

I know being popular sells, but if all the hard-working engineers on this forum decided to post in the main in an attempt to reach more people, we'll get a ton of threads like this and you'll have to sift through all of them to get to any interesting discussions, so people will stop checking that as well.
I would love to have two rate-my-mix sections:

Like to keep the one we all ready have (for the tact, dfh, ssd warriors)
and want one for the real deal...(only posting finished mixes you did for real clients on a professionial level)

So the pros can check out what the other pros do and can exchange some cool technics and the starter realy get a better pictures what it takes to make a "real" EP or album

just my 2 cents
Yeah it's a good idea. I think it was discussed back when there was a bit of a forum crisis (when Lasse became a mod). From what I remember, though, subforums cost money. Don't know if there was another reason not to introduce this change.
None of this discussion is productive. In fact, it's counter productive. There is stacks of decent material in the main forum and the rate my mix forum. It seems some people are happier to just bitch about lack of quality, hard to find stuff, things not being in the right place, and blah blah blah blah.

This forum is a like a room full of OCD neat freaks sometimes.
And wasn't there this kind of discussion a year ago or so?
Tho it was more about making and "elite" part of the forum or something like that.

I don't see a problem with finished mixes for albums in main - other stuff in RMM.
Usually if the post in the mainforum isn't of the high quality you'd want it to be to be there it sinks pretty quickly.
I would love to have two rate-my-mix sections:

Like to keep the one we all ready have (for the tact, dfh, ssd warriors)
and want one for the real deal...(only posting finished mixes you did for real clients on a professionial level)

So the pros can check out what the other pros do and can exchange some cool technics and the starter realy get a better pictures what it takes to make a "real" EP or album

just my 2 cents

maybe a "released work" section should be enough, regardless they used dfh or a real drumkit. the average demo wont get released, so it stays in the ratemymix section, stuff thats actually selling could be posted in the released work section. just a thought.
maybe a "released work" section should be enough, regardless they used dfh or a real drumkit. the average demo wont get released, so it stays in the ratemymix section, stuff thats actually selling could be posted in the released work section. just a thought.

YES!!! This is perfect. I actually left out the part in my original post about thinking having another forum for "RELEASED WORK" would be a GOOD IDEA. I think I deleted it because I couldn't think of a fitting name, hahaha...

I'd be down with that!
I would even go a bit further and would actually be glad to pay something every month or year, quite small or symbolic obviously, but something that would allow the people who choose to do this to sort of get their own sub-forum where you could actually have good discussions as you could a few years back
I agree, it doesn't belong here (although I've done it myself).
The reason for not posting it in the RMM section (at least my reason) is that it's a finalized and released product, so the creator of the thread is not looking for advice or anything but more for a chance to promote a cool band...

Still, it doesn't really belong in the main forum, what do you guys think about just having those FINALIZED/RELEASED projects in the off topic section instead?
that way they wouldn't clutter up the "advice needed" threads in the RMM
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