Jarkko Mattheiszen
The FU guy.
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Main/Offtopic = Promoting bands and albums you dig or worked on
Officer, problem?
Main/Offtopic = Promoting bands and albums you dig or worked on
Officer, problem?
I agree, it doesn't belong here (although I've done it myself).
The reason for not posting it in the RMM section (at least my reason) is that it's a finalized and released product, so the creator of the thread is not looking for advice or anything but more for a chance to promote a cool band...
Still, it doesn't really belong in the main forum, what do you guys think about just having those FINALIZED/RELEASED projects in the off topic section instead?
that way they wouldn't clutter up the "advice needed" threads in the RMM
Are they really 'off-topic' threads though? They're definitely very 'on topic' as far as audio engineering discussion is concerned.
If one is to be consistent in categorizing these threads, then a new section for 'finished works' is the only logical answer.
Hey Guys.
This thread has been both interesting and alarming to read in equal measure and I'd like to give my take on it if I may.
I've been a reader and browser of this site since 2007 and a member since 2008, but up until now haven't been a regular poster or contributor so you don't know me.
I have been a musician and songwriter for twenty years, have a bachelor's degree in music and music technology and ran a studio in London between 2000 and 2003, producing dance music and incidental music for ads and film.
In 2003 I had some of my dance remixes played on national radio here in the UK. Before anyone suggests I post this in the Who's who thread - I'm just making the point I'm not a noob.
I love rock and metal and have been trying to write and successfully self-produce it since about 2006. Due to the music I used to work on and the content of my degree course I have no experience of micing a drum kit or amp and nowadays have no opportunity to learn these things (I have three kids and a desk job). In this sense this forum has been an invaluable source of information and learning.
I will shortly be posting mixes and stems for an EP of music that I've been trying to get done for the past three years - it's metal but different. At the end of 2008 I sent some rough demoes of it to Neil Kernon's Auslander site, via the UM forum. He was very positive about it - said it 'gave him goosebumps from start to finish', but circumstances conspired at the time to prevent me going any further with it.
At the moment I don't have access to full studio facilities so what I post will, inevitably, feature amp modellers and slate or superior drummer because those are the tools I have available to make music (not that that I won't consider reamping or paying a member of this forum to mix things once tracking is finished - although I would really like to do these things myself). Does this mean that my songs will/should be ignored or consigned to the brootz and tact scrapheap?
We all posted the other day to The Most Metal Man In The World (or whatever) thread saying how much this forum had helped us over the years. I don't believe that Andy's intent in doing this would have been so that the people who have advanced further/faster would then become an 'elite' group who ignore everyone else.
Sorry for the length of the post - I don't wish to tread on toes or speak out of turn, but would like to think that when I do start posting the stuff I've worked on for all this time that it's received in a spirit of interest, co-operation and respect.
Looking forward to getting to know you all better over the next few months![]()
I still think we should perhaps post those "finished works" in the OT section,
blah blah blah
ITT: If your post count is over 10,000 you can post mixes in the main forum, if not your mixes are derp and belong in the RMM forum along with the other mere mortals.
Grow up. Mixes in the mix section. If for some reason you think your mixes are so much better than everyone elses just because you have the confidence to declare it so, and you need extra special attention for that, keep your spam in the Off-Topic section please.
If your thread is about the MUSIC or the BAND over your mix then I'd say that should belong in off-topic with the other threads promoting miscellaneous bands. But that doesn't mean you should just move all your stuff over there for a higher view count.
My 10 cents
In fairness tho the guys who are most giving in terms of info, and also most knowledgeable/experienced (Ermz, Ola, Lasse etc) don't tend to do this.
(quote didn't work?)
I been lurking mostly for 2 plus years. I have nothing to contribute. My recordings suck and my band is below average. All my software is paid for though.Sorry, you don't have a high enough post count so I didn't read it.![]()
doesn't make sense to post anything production related there. if you can't make a dedicated finished sub then i don't see the issue with keeping it in the main page.