is there anybody out there `???

Stranger in the night

New Metal Member
Jan 18, 2005
Hello Metallheads,

no comments from the Band ????, is chaos , what is with Byh ???, new drummer ???tourdates wher announced an 2 hours later cancelled, nobody from the band clears this chaos, i am a great saxon fan over the last 20 years, i saw more than 100 concerts all over the world ,it was a great time, i buy many cd`s /DVD from saxon ,but is saxon still there.???... its bullshit, not fair......, i am realy disappointed, a if it`s going on, i sell all my saxon stuff ......
Don't concern yourself too much, Mr Stranger.
It would be great to have the band members posting on the forum, but I can appreciate why they would rather not do this. There are so many factors to this kind of thing!
Like MatRattz stated, we are pretty used to this method/problem of communication with the band. But I don't see it as the actual fault of the band members - I just feel that Biff and Co need to organise their management a little more. But, after all, we don't know all the facts of the situation, so there may be a valid reason for this problem.
Also - no news is good news! That is very true.
We soon found out why the LH tour was to be abruptly halted when Biff suffered the loss of his home. That was bad news that effected all of the fans, and we were told pretty quickly, yeah?
I wouldn't worry too much about it all. The band still love their fans and will be back on their feet as soon as things have been sorted! If Biff, Quinny and Nibbs had lost their energy and passion, they certainly would not have produced a masterpiece like 'LionHeart'!
So let's just enjoy things while the band are on such a high!
Stranger in the night (=nickname) can believe it, well at least one that can believe it, hahah!:Spin: but that link is as rot as hell, maybe the webmaster can delete that invalid link? thx Maybe you Stranger can give your stuff to Biff...
good words Nightwar and of course I can understand the disappiontment by stranger in the night..its good to ventilate a bit here on this board, makes the anger go away, so nothing wrong with that
Too true, HeavyCelli - that's what the forum is there for, and certain feedback is bound to get back to members of the band when it is important enough! Whether it be a moan or a praise! Like Mr Stranger, I'm quite often disappointed when I want a decent Saxon fix of communication (remember the on-the-road emails recently? Brilliant stuff!) but that seems to be the way things are. And to be honest, I'd prefer my favourite band to be focusing on new projects and rehearsing than spending time answering questions on the website. As I've said, I simply think that Biff needs to give his management a kick up the arse to improve these matters! Enough said!

Regarding the duff thread - yeah, the webmaster needs to take it off. It was obviously just a little mistake by Mr Stranger (I do loads, so don't worry, mate!) yet it kind of reveals how monitored the forum is, you know?...
I was kind of thinking of putting something funny on it, but decided against it, as it is a waste of space.
Can anyone confirm to me who the actual webmaster is (I'm presuming it's Vince?) because it would be good to know who we need to speak to about such matters.
I agree with you stranger that saxons management dosent give or keep vince up to date so which then keps us fans up to date, and a lot of the time i find new saxon news on other metal sites faster then it gets onto the official saxon site which isent good. Im sure that most of us fans on this forum would make better management as far as keeping fans up to date.

But the lack of information and up date news on saxon no matter how small it may be to us fans its a lot, but it wouldent stop me from saxon been my number one band like they have been for the last 24 years for me cause at the end of the day they produce the best songs and live performances.#

But if youd like to sell ya saxon stuff i might be interested in some of the stuff stranger. what saxon stuff would you like to sell ? :rock:
Alright fellow Saxon fans, i`m newto the forum but not new to following the band right back to good old "Wheels of Steel".

I have been watching the various posts for some time and along with getting a pc decided to get registed.

The Stranger has voiced his concerns but need not worry, (See Biff interview on offical site 14/10/2004) that confirms what Lionheart & current band line up means to him. The guy has gone through major grief with this fire business and needs time with his family.

I was lucky enough to meet the band last year on LH tour, had quite a long chat with Doug he spoke about a real buzz within the band, and Biff never loses his enthusiasm. They have unfinished business with LH part two and we`ll all be "Rockin Again".

So don`t sell your saxon stuff Mr Stranger.

As Biff always says KEEP THE FAITH.
Cheers, Paxoman. My next thought is this: Does Vince ever read the forum?

Welcome, Saxonised! I'm with you all the way, My Good Man!! Keep posting in, especially if you've some decent Saxon stories! Where did you meet Doug - was it during the UK LH tour? At a bar, by any chance?

Saxon 747 - No matter how bad Saxon's management is, the band will always be my favourite band! In a way, having a hard time trying to find Saxon stuff out is part of the attraction, if you know what I mean?
Thanks for the welcome Nightwar.

Yeah i met the band last year on LH tour when they played Wolverhampton, Wulfrun Hall. They had just finished the soundcheck so i got the cd signed and it was Doug i was talking to for some time about his new guitar(the electric blue one),the previous nights gig in Cardiff, and in general how pleased they were with the album, he's a top bloke.

I've a few other Saxon stories but i'll leave them for another time as i am new to the forum.
Thanks Paxo - yeah, I know what you mean. I'm going to attempt to contact him, as it seems that the request for his presence, on another thread, appears to be non-productive. I know he's probably a busy chap, but all the forum needs is a 'yes' or 'no' basically.
Saxonised - Hey, I was at the Wolves gig too! Doug does seem to be a top bloke, doesn't he. He isn't exactly "Metal", you know? But we are so lucky to have him as a constant member of the band.
Now you are posting in, I look forward to your Saxon tales as time passes!
Hi all

As I have stated many times before - I am the webmaster for the SAXON website. I am not part of the management. I can only report and publish information when it is officially submitted to me.

Yes, I do not have time to read this board all the time and find that it runs well without any major moderation. As requested a "sticky" has appeared.

More news when I recieve it!

Vince - once again, thanks very much for helping out on the recent 'Biff' issue.
I can understand that other things require your attention and only have praise for the Saxon Forum - after all, for a band of Saxon's popularity, it has a fair amount of users and the conversation is always intelligent and avoiding of distasteful matter (more than could be said of other forums!). This quality can only reflect your input to the forum. So I think we all really appreciate what you do for us Saxon fans!
Anyhoo - enough creeping!
I can also understand the frustration of being restricted to the information that you receive and I'm sure that the blame has never been aimed your way.

On a positive note, ain't it great to see fans so demanding for Saxon info? Supply will not be produced until demand is recognised by the relevant parties, so I think a little moaning is always quite progressive on this matter. As long as the moaning is justified (and not personal), I think it is a good thing.
And, I must emphasise, that this problem does not have its roots with Vince. Unfortunatly, giving his role, Vince ends up in a 'Shoot The Messanger' situation!!
But you're doing a great job, Vince, and I know all the regulars really appreciate it!

Umm ... I'm starting to creep again, ain't I?....
I have to say we have quite a unique community here, out of every other forum i have encountered nothing else comes close to the sense of loyalty for the band and the mutual respect for each other! Its such a cool place.

I guess we Saxon fans are just so damn great huh!

"out of every other forum i have encountered nothing else comes close to the sense of loyalty for the band and the mutual respect for each other!"

Summed up quite brilliantly, Valanx, My Good Man!

I've been part of number of forums over the years, yet the Saxon forum is the one place where I have always come to first when I turn on the PC. It has always provided decent conversation, and I can also say that I have NEVER been offended by a comment or some such thing on it. And, more importantly, I've NEVER seen a comment that could be classed as offensive to anyone else. Unlike many other forums, people really use their brains beore they start posting comments, and that says so much about the kind of people that are into Saxon and Rock music!
The original post by Mr Stranger started with his dissapointment. I do hope you are still watching the board, and more importantly are still a Saxon fan?

A real positive vibe is now the case, i feel proud to be part of such a strong following of loyal fans.
A real positive vibe is now the case, i feel proud to be part of such a strong following of loyal fans.

I know Im Saxon for Life mate. We all are here brother! :rock::rock::rock::rock::rock: