Is there anything that can be done with this vox?


New Metal Member
Jan 27, 2012
I'm pretty new to mixing/mastering. I've gotten okay at every other instrument, can make a listenable mix, but I'm absolutely abysmal with vocals. How would I go about making these sound listenable? Or do they need a rerecord, which wouldn't surprise me. The deeps are with an SM58, highs with a SM57. Is this a recording problem or something that I can fix with good mastering?

kyle sounds like a demon. he shouldnt scream. the other guy could be usable i think but he did breathe straight into the mic alot, did you use a pop filter? its hard to say anything without the music behind it. basicly just compress, compress, compress again, eq out everything under 125 and everything above 13k try to get rid of the breathing hes blowing into the mic with eq or cutting it out. add some slight distortion and dont forget to gate.
We naively assumed that because the SM58 has a wind screen he doesn't need a pop filter. Boy were we wrong. :P

Kyle told me that he's looking for a Alesana-type scream. So he's got a bit to work on. Definitely rerecord him. What kind of compression am I aiming for? Also, can you recommend a good compressor for vocals?
There's the backing track. Note that it's a demo, so there are definitely mistakes. :p
if you have a condenser available use it if not use the sm58 but use a pop filter. sm58 and sm57 are basically the same mic. same diaphragm but the 58 has a small peak at like 2k if i remember right. so its a little better for vocals. it wouldn't make sense to use a pop filter live so i think that is why they put wind screens on it. but it does still need a pop filter.

okay, i really don't like alesana at all. so maybe thats why i said that but after re listening he is on the right track for that sound.

i use two of the waves compressors. paired with the pro tools compressor. but i realize not everyone can afford the waves stuff. endorphin is a good free one. if your on windows theres a great bundle i used to have when i was on windows. Kjaerhus Audio Classic Series. its free and better than most payed ones imo. just compress them with low attack and release, ratio of about 10:1. vocals sound good with a lot of compression.