Is this sample worth selling? (Rec. at Blackbird ect)


Aug 2, 2009
So I have a signature snare I've been using a while and I've gone back and forth with selling it or not, the whole, my sound deal. But I thought I'd ask you gents, who would actually pay for this snare? 4 velocities with about 6 hits each. It's a few snares I've recorded mixed together. All snares were recorded with API Preamps and an AKG 414, Neumann KM184, Auxid I5, and SM57.

Snares mixed for this-
Black Beauty
Truth Custom
DW Name Unknown (Pawn shop special)
Piccolo snare which I can't remember, old session.

These are all snares I've worked hard to record well, typically 2-3 hours of tuning and testing. Great mics, great pre's. Files: unprocessed.wav processed.wav

Worth it to you?
Definitely worth selling. Most people have tons of samples and still are always looking for more, can never have too many samples.
Of course!!
Sounds great
would be awesome to have processed and unprocessed versions ;)
Working on that my friend! Bundle coming soon.


This snare really does sound FANTASTIC.

It's got a very "HI-FI" sound to it and of course being done at Blackbird, you know only the best of the best was used, not that it MATTERS, but in this case I can definitely hear it and is a total selling point for me, personally!

Can't wait for a bundle!!!
Ok ladies, 4 snares are ready to go. I'll be setting up a store Monday that will have all 4 for sale individually PLUS a bundle to get all of them for a discount price! I might even have some of my own death shot snares down the road! ;) Big thanks to Charles J for testing out my newest snare.
Ok ladies, 4 snares are ready to go. I'll be setting up a store Monday that will have all 4 for sale individually PLUS a bundle to get all of them for a discount price! I might even have some of my own death shot snares down the road! ;) Big thanks to Charles J for testing out my newest snare.

=D No worries mate, these really do sound absolutely LOVELY in the BEST way possible. THIS is how a SNARE sounds to MY ears....

And sadly, I've got the "ONE SHOT DEATH SNARES" territory patented and trademarked, LOL.