Is this supposed to happen, or am I doing something very wrong?


Serpent Headed Mask
Nov 24, 2002
Ok, on the 12th March, I saw Opeth, knackered my neck totally, rested it for 10 days, saw DragonForce (power metal band) and while headbanging to them, an area near my adams apple decided to ache with pain. I rested my neck again for just over a week, and then went to see Decapitated on the 1st April. While headbanging like a madman, I felt the same area in my neck start to go again. Its now two days after the gig, and if i feel my throat, that area aches a bit.
I've been going to gigs for nearly a year now, and I've never experienced this problem. Any suggestions? Should I get it checked out or should I leave it? What do you people think?
TheDemonOfTheFall said:
Ok, on the 12th March, I saw Opeth, knackered my neck totally, rested it for 10 days, saw DragonForce (power metal band) and while headbanging to them, an area near my adams apple decided to ache with pain. I rested my neck again for just over a week, and then went to see Decapitated on the 1st April. While headbanging like a madman, I felt the same area in my neck start to go again. Its now two days after the gig, and if i feel my throat, that area aches a bit.
I've been going to gigs for nearly a year now, and I've never experienced this problem. Any suggestions? Should I get it checked out or should I leave it? What do you people think?

Maybe you just shouldn't looks stupid.
I am Ten Thousand and One said:
Maybe you just shouldn't looks stupid.

Not headbang, at a Metal gig? Are you mad? Headbanging is essential to me at Metal gigs...and how does it ever look stupd? Its what metal heads do at gigs.
I mainly listen to the band at the gig - at least most of the time. Headbanging is not an option [for me].

Suggest that you go to see the doctor anyway.
And try to avoid hard headbanging...
TheDemonOfTheFall said:
Ok, on the 12th March, I saw Opeth, knackered my neck totally, rested it for 10 days, saw DragonForce (power metal band) and while headbanging to them, an area near my adams apple decided to ache with pain. I rested my neck again for just over a week, and then went to see Decapitated on the 1st April. While headbanging like a madman, I felt the same area in my neck start to go again. Its now two days after the gig, and if i feel my throat, that area aches a bit.
I've been going to gigs for nearly a year now, and I've never experienced this problem. Any suggestions? Should I get it checked out or should I leave it? What do you people think?

Youre screwed :D
TheDemonOfTheFall said:
Were going totally off the subject...can you people offer sensible comments please?

aw um i think you probably keep on spraining it or something i wouldn't worry,but saying that i have no real idea about science and stuff so i don't know how valuable my advice is :err: ,maybe go get it checked out in case...

head banging :headbang:
I am Ten Thousand and One said:
Maybe you just shouldn't looks stupid.

u sir, are an idiot.

but seriously, just rest ur neck for a while and you'll be fine. also, why didnt you go to see Symphony X? hmm? hmm????
Headbanging looks much less stupid than standing perfectly still with your hands in your pockets, staring straight ahead. But who cares if you look stupid or not? The point is to have fun. Let people do what they want, providing it doesn't infringe on your ability to do likewise.

As for your sore neck... I would definitely see a doctor about it. It's probably nothing serious, but just to be safe.
yes. i should clarify. whether or not head banging looks stupid is superceded by the fact that it IS stupid. just look at what happened to thedemonofthefall. demon no headbang = demon no problem.
O'blivion said:
yes. i should clarify. whether or not head banging looks stupid is superceded by the fact that it IS stupid. just look at what happened to thedemonofthefall. demon no headbang = demon no problem.

so what do you do at gigs then? sit down at the bar and have a pint? or just stand watching?
headbanging is just natural for me. i cant listen to music like opeth and just stand still at the back.. its just boring :p and who cares if it looks stupid? its showing much more appreciation for the music than just standing at the back looking bored does.
Hexxan said:
so what do you do at gigs then? sit down at the bar and have a pint? or just stand watching?
both actually.

i'm not a fan of damaging my brain.... so i don't.
haha, damaging? i went Symphony X on monday, headbanging all night, then the next day had a science mock exam at 8:45. i got my results back today and i got a good solid A. i mean i only had 6 hours sleep and was replaying 'Out of the Ashes' over and over in my head, hardly even thinking about the exam.

in conclusion, headbanging is not dangerous, and a cup of strong coffee really helps to wake you up in the morning :)