Help with Logic: Flex Tool - am i doing something wrong?

mick thompson

AKA: Ross Canpolat! SM!
Nov 3, 2005
Dublin, Ireland
so this is going out to anyone who knows anything about logic 9's flex tool (including adam - :kickass:)

so i just got logic 9 and i decided to have a play around with the flex tool, so prior to that i went onto apples site and i viewed one of there videos on how the flex tool works.

im trying to move a vocal phrase to another position (just for testing) but i cant seem to be able to move the dam phrase without the entire track moving or without stretching the vocal track

i made a little video on what i done and i have it set (i think) to the same settings that apple had it set to for there vocal track.

my video: ( under 5mb's)

apples video:

can someone tip me off on what im doing wrong here?
im a bit confused......if you want to move a phrase surely it would be best to cut and move it around.

in terms of the video, first thing id do is double click the region to open it in the hyper editor and take out a lot of those transient markers. with vocals you dont need that many. this is a lot easier to do than it sounds when trying to describe it but ill try my best.

say you want to just move a phrase of vocals, you'd click to create a flex marker just before the first transient of that phrase, and you'd click to create one at the end of it (or at the start of the next phrase). this effectively locks the stuff after the phrase you want to move from moving.

now to shift the phrase, make sure you're in flex mode, drag from the upper part of the transient marker (so it doesnt make new flex markers at the other transient markers inside the phrase) and slide them around to where you want them.

that sounds a hell of a lot more complicated than it actually is. add me on msn mate if you're having trouble.
you need to create 3 flex matkers, one on the transient of the phrase, one somewhere before, and one somewhere after.
then you can shift the "middle" one around all you like without messing everything else up.

in your video, see where you are clicking to make a flex marker? make a marker on the transients directly beside that one, where i have marked with red in the screenshot:


that should do the trick

so i removed the markers and drew in my own 2 around the vocal phrase and then judging from what you both said i used 3 markers and moved the phrase but its causing another problem.

the more i move the vocal phrase forward in time its causing it to squash and speed up in tempo - its fine if i move it a few ms but once i start go go above kinda 2 seconds it squashes so much the word starts to sound fake and slightly cut






Just click in the bottom half of the region when you are creating the flex marker, it will create 3 automatically.

and thats not working :-( do i need to have more then 1 track loaded in so that it reads example beat positions from other tracks?

also would any of you's know how to fix this other problem i have :
Try not to stretch so far into the middle of a word/phrase.

In this Pic:


Move the "First" marker to the very end of the word,
then there shouldn't be any weirdness.

Example, place the marker where i have shown in Red:


Actually, if you would like to upload a Logic project folder with that little vocal phrase in it, i could demonstrate
Dude, check youtube for logic 9 flex time and 'Igor' - there are some cool tutorials on flex time, flex markers and everything related to it. It helped me a lot, as you can do a shitload of flex things with many different tools and WHERE you click on the waveform.