is this too creepy for friendster


guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
just doing random searches of friends of mine who i have lost contact with and i found one on friendster and i can tell from the pic that it is the person i was looking for but i am not connected to him so i would have to just blindly add him without an advance message saying "hello". is that too creepy?
i was gonna say. friendster IS creepy. so asking about it being too creepy for friendster?..
do people think its creepy when you get the inverted cross imprint on your forehead from your necklace when you headbang?
one time I was playing a show and I was sick and stuffed up so every time I headbanged snot flew out of my nose and hit someone in the front row.

most metal moment of my life!
azal, one time i got ambushed by a nazi before a show with brass knuckles to the face and i played the show headbanging blood all over the white dress of my tissue girl in the front row
FuSoYa said:
azal, one time i got ambushed by a nazi before a show with brass knuckles to the face and i played the show headbanging blood all over the white dress of my tissue girl in the front row
Why on earth where you ambushed by a nazi?