Is your boss a cunt?


Not blessed, or merciful
Apr 11, 2001
Sarf Lundin, Innit
Well? Aint they all?;)

Anyway, my reason for asking is that I'm building a small story-type site, where people slag off their bosses. It's called, quite simply, :)

You can go here: to see it while it's being finished, and you can submit a flame/story now (if you wish).

If you have a good story about your boss, or someone else's, being a prick or being stupid, or just in need of a good flaming, then please jump in and share it on the site.

Needless to say, please name no actual person or company names, or threats of violence upon their persons or property ;) Any story submitted has to be 'moderated', simply meaning it won't show up straight away.

Thankyou! :)
I need to tell my brother about this site. the district manager where he used to work fired 3/4 of the district at once then got pissed off because they were underemployed :)

BTW, Mark, if you have a chance, could you drop the 420 from my name so I'm just "Steve" (nobody had that name last I checked)
my boss isnt.. but then again Im currently doing my civil service, so he's not a real boss in the way that I depend on him the way you depend on a boss normally..
One suggestion (sorry for double post)

don't have the text of the password signup box displayed! it should be hidden (especially for paranoid people like me) :)
thanks :)

I log in with this name now, right? I remember a problem with that on some free BB software I used where I had to login with the old name.
@Steve - yup.

@profanity - we can all only dream of being boss-less... I temp, so I don't have a set boss apart from the agency who could basically just decide to give me no more work. So they, I guess, my boss :)
A couple of years ago I got a seasonal job working for the city, only a 6 month position. Things went well and as my time was getting closer to being up my boss was started to ask me if I had any plans on coming back next year. I told him yes but I couldn't go 6 months without working and he said ok. Time was up, I left and it felt like everyone really liked me there. Ended up just working part time as a carpet cleaner for the time in between. When the summer came and the city started hiring the seasonals again I called my boss and told him that I would like to come back. He said ok but I had to fill out another application because they are having everyone do that this year and that he would call me next week for a interview. I was a little confused about the interview part because this guy just worked with me for 6 months and he knew me pretty well, but I did was I was told anyway.

I met a a really good friend at that job the previous summer, he was hired the same as I as a seasonal laborer. Anyway, he was looking for another job so I told him that we had to submit another app. to the city to be considered. A week went by and we were at a auto parts store the afternoon our boss called him saying he was hired. No interview. I ended up waiting another week before I finally got fed up and called him. He said that they hadn't called anyone yet for interview or for anything at all, but had some people with excellent qualifications that they were going to hire. I didn't say anything on the phone cos I didn't want to screw up getting a job, but I was thinking to myself about when he called my friend earlier and how could anyone have better qualifications then I did. Hell, it was only a job cleaning the bathrooms for the Parks Dept. and I had fucking worked there already! He finally said, I'll give you a call next week for an interview. I said ok, but I kinda already knew he was just giving me the run around and didn't want me back.. The week went by and he didn't call, what a suprise. I ended up calling him again the week after and I pretty much had enough, still kept my message polite just in case, but I think one could probably tell how frustrated I was. The next day he left me a message saying how that he didn't have any positions left and he wasn't hiring anyone until July (I later learned that he was leaving in July to be a fucking minister of all things). and how I should probably look for something else, it was a good thing it was just a message or I would have probably let him have it as it were. I wonder how his congregation would feel about that little story.

Sorry if it was long, still kinda bugs me even after all this time.
Mark said:
You calling me a cunt?
Would I do that? :rolleyes:

*Eyes roll into back of head....*

*Falls on arse*

Though technically I suppose you do pwnz me :oops: , so I suppose in an obscure sense of the word you could be my boss...... :bah:

....Just as long as you're not my daddy! :eek:

P.S. Can't wait to get home from work and my FUCKING PSYCHO BOSS so I can hopefully be greeted by a new UM Compilation album!! :D