Islamic music influenced bands or songs?

Dec 30, 2002
Olympia WA
I like islamic music a lot and want to know more metal bands or any bands that have islamic influences. Or if you know of just 1 songs like Opeth - Closure or Mushroomhead - along the way. Don't say Nile.
Orphaned Land
Salem (Check out the interview with them)
Betrayer (Not so much as the above 2)

All of which are Israeli bands that kick massive ass!
Iron Maiden - Powerslave, Nomad
I think there were one or two songs in Dream Theater's 'Metropolis part II, scenes from a memory', which sounded islamic to me.
I don't know of any metal that sounds that way, but I have a record by Bezokri Yamim Ymima called "Lehakat: "Tszliley Hakerem"". It's from Isreal, 1975 and it has some good stuff.I've got some more ethnic/folk stuff, but that was the only islamic like (although probably jewish) I could come up with.
Alos Death on Symbolic and Sound of Perserverance use a lot of Middle Eastern melodies, mainly cause chuck loved writing in D harmonic minor.
Definitely check Orphaned Land in case you don't know them.
Also, I can hear some Middle-Eastern influences in some Therion songs (The Rise of Sodom and Gomorrah, for instance), in the last two minutes of Mr Bungle's Goodbye Sober Day, and in the mytical Kashmir by Led Zeppelin.
Outside of metal I've always loved Communards' So Cold the Night, precisely because of the Arab touch that the song has.
And if you want some traditional islam music mixed with jazz, you cannot miss Kudsi Ergurner - Islam Blues (it's not blues despite the title).
That's what I can think of now.
The Meads of asphodel is the best example of middle eastern influenced music. They also have an EP out called Jihad. Their previous album is called The excomminication of christ and also has middle eastern melodies. the music sounds like a black metal version of Motorhead/Hawkwind hybrid with some other influences as well. They still remain very catchy and you must try them if you want middle eastern influenced music.