Iso Cabs


Sigurd Løberg
Feb 16, 2006
Trondheim, Norway
Since I will probably get my hands on a peavey 6505 soon I'm gonna need an Iso Cab for recording. I have used the search function without luck and I wondered if any of you guys could point me in the right direction?
Any of you have any experience with building Iso cabs or maybe you know of some online instructions sites?
I have the Randall ISO cab.

I had to do the a little work on it. I changed the V30 out for a 75 watt celestion .
the big change I made was ripping out all the sound proofing in the cab(it's garbage) and replacing it with Auralex studio foam.

It was a night and day difference. Before it real reflective, and unusable.....I was going to sell it. After I put the Auralex in it sounded great. I used it to track my bands album were mixing. Next time around though, I might get a hot plate aswell, so I can push my amp a little harder even though you're only going into a single 12" speaker. I use an Ultralead so I might also try a p50 speaker next time aswell.
I a/b'd the v30 with the 75 watt celestion several times and I really liked the GT12 75 way better. The v30 had kind of a crusty mid range that couldn't be dialed out. The 75 watter had more definition and I could easily eq it on the amp and get it sound ing great. no honky mids. I don't dial any of the mids out on the UL.

I was concerned about overpowering the speaker aswell, so I didn't crank the amp up as loud as I normally would. Next time I know I'm going to do a few things different. Mainly the hot plate just so I can get the amp cranked the way I usualy run it. And I'm gong to try a nother speaker or 2. We have a second guitarist now, He's got a 5150 so that should be cool to experiment with aswell.
Will the single V30 be enough? Is it possible that a crnaked 6505 will damage or blow the speaker?

Yes it definately will kill the speaker if you fully crank it. The V30 is rated for 60 Watt and the 6505 puts out spikes that go WAY over 120 Watt if fully crankred. That said I see no reason to crank sounds perfect with the master at 2 to 3 for recording....

A post that might be interesting for you as well:
I use this:




Here is a description. Works great...

Amp Enclosure

Nebulous said:
Doesn' the sound get a bit boxy with that, since it's just a box?

Not that I've noticed, but you could listen to the clips I posted in the other thread on this page and decide for yourself.

egan. said:
@ steve:
Looks nice but how much did they charge you (if you don't mind me asking)?

It was a lot of money. Around $800 shipped. If you're handy, you could easily build one yourself though. If you are interested, I could get you more detailed pictures and dimensions. I would not have the time, nor am I handy enough to build something like this myself, so it was worth it to me, but I understand others thinking it too expensive.

sah5150 said:
It was a lot of money. Around $800 shipped. If you're handy, you could easily build one yourself though. If you are interested, I could get you more detailed pictures and dimensions. I would not have the time, nor am I handy enough to build something like this myself, so it was worth it to me, but I understand others thinking it too expensive.


That is about the price range I was expecting. I don't have a need, but if it works it is certainly cheaper and less invasive than (really) sound proofing a room in your house for guitar recording.