MaN Of MaNy NamEZ
Oct 2, 2007
Would it be wise to buy one to run into my line6 gearbox and then into protools? im just trying to cut back noise and what not and try something new by gating the guitar than rather gating in the line6 gearbox? should i buy or not?
The Podxt/gearbox gate is pretty much worthless. I'd recommend the decimator as a lot of people seem to prefer it over the Boss Ns-2 (what I have) and the Ns-2 works pretty damn well for me. Maybe you can track your dry guitar signal and use a gate plugin to clean up noise before running it through gearbox. Might save a buck or two, but it would probably be more convenient to have the noise reduction going in. I never track guitars without my Ns-2.
I do. I'm sure most people would rather not. The first thing my guitar signal hits is the ns-2, and I print that to the track. I like it. I usually don't print my tube screamer to the direct track though. I like to keep it uncolored as far as that goes, and if I want to throw it in on a reamp, I'll do it then.
well im just curious y you would use a noise suppressor on a direct input guitar? im wanting to use it...just curious y though? will it help the direct sound from guitar to gearbox and clean up the stomp/chunk riffs while being clean?
Does this thing function like a noise gate, or does it try to remove the noise from within the spectrum whilst the signal is present? More importantly: is it capable of the all-powerful djent?
In the case of running it into a Toneport, which is an audio interface, the only thing it will be cutting off when the gate closes is any inherent self-noise in your guitar's electronics. I use an ISP Decimator in my own guitar rig and can tell you that at higher settings it will reduce the output of your guitar, thereby decreasing how hard you're hitting the front end of the Line 6's emulation software. Net effect: Higher settings on a Decimator in your setup will result in less distortion, especially in your preamp stage.
so pretty much i just bought this for no reason? the guitars we use have no additional noise when played direct into the gearbox...its a straight clean sound. i just figured it would gate everything better in the playing sense. he is a solid player. just trying to clean up the guitar sound alot better with less work..thats all...
ZP, you don't have to worry about any of that... user your decimator when you re-amp, to keep the breaks cleaner... set it at about 11:00 and you'll be fine. it's just noise gate that tracks really well.
Distortion brings out noise - if your clean sounds have guitar noise you need a rewiring. There are more than a few places to put the thing, but even if you aren't able to do anything but put it right after the guitar spend some time with it until you're sure you can evaluate it at its best in your rig.

In the case of running it into a Toneport, which is an audio interface, the only thing it will be cutting off when the gate closes is any inherent self-noise in your guitar's electronics. I use an ISP Decimator in my own guitar rig and can tell you that at higher settings it will reduce the output of your guitar, thereby decreasing how hard you're hitting the front end of the Line 6's emulation software. Net effect: Higher settings on a Decimator in your setup will result in less distortion, especially in your preamp stage.

This is only going to happen if you are doing it wrong and set the decimator way too high. I have the ISP decimator pedal and the ISP Decimator ProRack G in my rig and no signal loss. Although my rig sounds like it's not even on until I play. :headbang:
Allow me to slightly reiterate my earlier statement in that case: [inappropriately] higher settings will result in a reduction of gain.
I have it too. My chain is like guitar -> maxon od 808 -> isp decimator -> line 6 pod x3 live and usually I use it at 11/12 oclock, if I turn it slightly more than that, I start to notice gain reduction as well. To be honest, I'm not very sure whether I like it or not, it seems like it's not doing anything, until I stop playing and don't hear anything else... perhaps my chain is incorrect?
The Decimator is really best used in the FX loop. You won't get much of an improvement just using it in front of a POD. If anything I use the POD analog outs and put the decimator after the pod.