ISP Decimator in, Boss NS-2 out!

Oct 8, 2007
K.C. (Kansas City)
Just tried my Christmas gift out and love it. I got a new ISP Decimator and let me tell ya what, if you were wondering weather to buy a Boss NS-2 or the ISP Decimator, the Decimator wins hands down. The gate is much smoother and even when closing doesn't stutter like the Boss. More importantly it doesn't cut sustain notes off, and still rules on palm mutes. Most importantly I got my attack back. I didn't notice how much attack and high end the Boss sucks until I A-B'd them. I was also turned on by how the ISP stops on a dime! ISP,.........FTW!
Fo sho. I think I heard somewhere the guys from ISP are old Rocktron HUSH developers or something along those lines, FWIW.
don`t believe any of this bullshit. the ISP makes your tone mushy and lifeless, but yeah, it works perfectly! great!! for live, ok..., but not in the studio!
ns-2 is not a gate! but it does NOT affect your sound but isnt a brutal gate for high gain shit.
(not talking about the ISP pro rack or whatever its called. I had the ns-2 for over a year and had the ISP pedal for 3 weeks now. it sucks.

just believe me. I usually dont write much in forums cus I`m too lazy, but I read posts like this too and got the ISP and fuck was I disappointed.
I've used the original Decimator stompbox for about 3 years now and have never had issues with it sucking tone. However I recently switched to the G-String version, and it's so much better. I can actually use my clean channel again without having to bypass the fx loop :lol:

best gate ever.
Well, to my ears the NS-2 affects tone fo' sure. That's one

And a wise man once told me to never ever use noise gates when recording, couse' not only it fucks with your attack but it tends to do wierd stuff with the decay that's imposible to get rid of later (and the chugga chugga/breakdown stuff has to be cleaned-up later anyway)


400 Eu for a gate ? Uhm. I guess the ns-2 will do for me :)
I've used the original Decimator stompbox for about 3 years now and have never had issues with it sucking tone. However I recently switched to the G-String version, and it's so much better. I can actually use my clean channel again without having to bypass the fx loop :lol:

best gate ever.

i have the stompbox its just:kickass::kickass:
I've owned the NS-2 and the ISP Pro Rack and the ISP is just really fuckin natural. It's like you don't even realize you have a noise suppressor. It's just so nice and quiet without KILLING your precious tone.
I got the regular pedal version and use it in front of the amp. I have both pedals in my possession and for my rig the Boss NS-2 absolutely sucked top end off the tone, where the ISP didn't. I guess different rigs different results. I am staying with the ISP Fo-Sho! I tried it before the tube screamer and after, and it worked best when I had the ISP before the tube screamer. The other way around gave my tone all sorts of crazy top end, go figure. The manual tells you to do the opposite.
+1 to that...for me the most logical placement for noise suppression, whether it is an NS-2, ISP or HUSH, would be the FX Loop. I don't want the signal from my guitar to be gated going into the amp, I want the amp to be gated before hitting the speakers. I honestly have never understand people putting a gate in front of an amp, and then complain about it sucking tone.

I would love to use it in the FX loop, but I use my loop for a solo channel. It's a bummer for me, but this arrangement seems to work ok. I have a EQ boost and a phase 90 in my loop for a solo channel for now, otherwise it would be in my loop fer sure. I am upgrading to a Voodoo Labs audio switcher, that I bought used for a good deal, and am saving for the ground control pro and then I will be good to go. I read in a Guitar World mag that Dime used two gates, one before the amp and one in the FX loop. That's how he got that stop on a dime thing going on in Walk.
Yep, I used to use a gate (Alesis 3630) before the amp, and in the loop, with my old rack setup with my band. If you are looking for that really tight, silent between chugs sound, there is nothing like it.

Not to mention I loved not having my amp HISSSSSSS when cranked. It worked really well for us. This was with a Marshall 9200/JMP-1 rack setup.

I honestly have never understand people putting a gate in front of an amp, and then complain about it sucking tone.

The Grand Evil Snake Amp doesn't take kindly of stompboxes and overloads their input making the whole thing sound like crap. That's my excuse
I would love to use it in the FX loop, but I use my loop for a solo channel. It's a bummer for me, but this arrangement seems to work ok. I have a EQ boost and a phase 90 in my loop for a solo channel for now, otherwise it would be in my loop fer sure. I am upgrading to a Voodoo Labs audio switcher, that I bought used for a good deal, and am saving for the ground control pro and then I will be good to go. I read in a Guitar World mag that Dime used two gates, one before the amp and one in the FX loop. That's how he got that stop on a dime thing going on in Walk.

Whats the Phase 90 like in the loop? Are you using a recto by chance?