ISP Decimator in, Boss NS-2 out!

I am using a 5150. The Phase 90 sucks in the loop. I love the sound of it in the front end but don't wanna tap dance. It does add that high end for solo's still so you can cut a little bit, but not like in the front end. Soon as I save enough for the Ground Control Pro I will truly be a happy boy!
I am using a 5150. The Phase 90 sucks in the loop. I love the sound of it in the front end but don't wanna tap dance. Soon as I save enough for the Ground Control Pro I will truly be a happy boy!

Ah right fair enough, I heard the loops in recto's are a pain in the ass, so ill no doubt have a job on with mine :P Tbh all my pedals besides my phase 90 and wah could sit in the fx loop, just so many cables to deal with. I HATE cables! :lol:
Just tried my Christmas gift out and love it. I got a new ISP Decimator and let me tell ya what, if you were wondering weather to buy a Boss NS-2 or the ISP Decimator, the Decimator wins hands down. The gate is much smoother and even when closing doesn't stutter like the Boss. More importantly it doesn't cut sustain notes off, and still rules on palm mutes. Most importantly I got my attack back. I didn't notice how much attack and high end the Boss sucks until I A-B'd them. I was also turned on by how the ISP stops on a dime! ISP,.........FTW!