Israel Strikes Aid Ship

I'm sorry but these people should know better than to try and fuck with Israël.

The "Humanitarians" went into it with a purpose and looking for a fight then swiftly got their asses handed to them.
There are videos of Israëli military warning them not to come closer and there are well defined aid paths into Gaza. They chose to ignore those and suffered the consequences.

It's sad people died but they cannot expect sympathy since they knew what they were getting themselves into.
I'm sorry but these people should know better than to try and fuck with Israël.

The "Humanitarians" went into it with a purpose and looking for a fight then swiftly got their asses handed to them.
There are videos of Israëli military warning them not to come closer and there are well defined aid paths into Gaza. They chose to ignore those and suffered the consequences.

It's sad people died but they cannot expect sympathy since they knew what they were getting themselves into.

so it's ok for the Israelis to assault whomever they choose in International Waters?

Painting humanitarian activities as stirring-up-trouble is bullshit. taking much needed medical supplies and building materials into the worlds largest open-air prison to help the beseiged innocent civilians can hardly be called "looking for a fight".

by your logic any tyrannical and violent regime should have their every whim indulged just for the sake of not causeing a ruckus.
All politics aside.
It is simple really:
If someone is pointing a gun at you, you better do as he says, or suffer consequences.
I blame the humanitarian ship captain for not turning around and trying to force his ship through a blockade of one of the most powerful military forces in the world...
How dumb is that ???
so it's ok for the Israelis to assault whomever they choose in International Waters?

No, but would you kick a black belt twice the size of you in the balls?
Common sense.

Painting humanitarian activities as stirring-up-trouble is bullshit. taking much needed medical supplies and building materials into the worlds largest open-air prison to help the beseiged innocent civilians can hardly be called "looking for a fight".

The Protesters went there to protest and break Israëls maritime barrier *(I watched the news in Finnish and I'm somewhat rusty) and carried weapons.

If the news is to be believed (Not saying it is/isn't), They opened fire first.

by your logic any tyrannical and violent regime should have their every whim indulged just for the sake of not causeing a ruckus.

No, I just simply stated that if you go looking for a fight, then don't cry over the consequences.

That said, no-one (here) knows what happened there and there is misinformation and propaganda from both sides. And thus, I go by what was on the news.

There are appropriate aid channels and they chose not to use them.

I don't agree with ANY violence on any level, I do however believe that if you go looking for a fight, don't come crying when you get your ass kicked.

This is in no way a commentary on the situation inland as I don't follow it and don't claim to be an expert and thus will not offer any comment on that other than I do not agree in suffering. My views are based on what I saw on the news.
I'm sorry but these people should know better than to try and fuck with Israël.

The "Humanitarians" went into it with a purpose and looking for a fight then swiftly got their asses handed to them.
There are videos of Israëli military warning them not to come closer and there are well defined aid paths into Gaza. They chose to ignore those and suffered the consequences.

It's sad people died but they cannot expect sympathy since they knew what they were getting themselves into.


It's always strange that as soon as somebody fucks with Israel, everybody says they cannot retaliate.. But as soon as anyone ignores the rules Israel has set for their own security and Israel acts on that everybody speaks a shame of it..
All politics aside.
It is simple really:
If someone is pointing a gun at you, you better do as he says, or suffer consequences.
I blame the humanitarian ship captain for not turning around and trying to force his ship through a blockade of one of the most powerful military forces in the world... how dumb is that ???

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Doesn't matter whether the protesters were "looking for it" or not.

Israel broke international law, killed around 20 people in international waters and should subsequently be punished for it. End of.
A terrorist thinks: "hmm we should send a ship convoy to Gaza even though it is blocked and forcefully resist any search attempt, then if they attack us - we will win the media war, because people will think that bad Israelis attacked a peaceful aid convoy and if they let us through - we will win the military war, because we will send military equipment in all following convoys".

If Israel stops controlling ships coming to Gaza, a huge amount of weapons and raw materials for explosives manufacturing will get to Hamas hands.
So it 20 killed vs many hundreds or even thousands if Israel let them pass through.
You guys ever met any Israelis? Not looking for a flame war or to point blame he/she/we/who/why/where/etc but well... The only dudes that I ever met that creeped me out more than a spook bag man were some Aman guys from Israel. I mean they live(good, bad, indifferent, whatever) in the center of millions of people that would like to see them wiped from the face of the planet....and they stay there. Most times when people find themselves surrounded by millions of folks that don't like 'em, they move.

My point is this guys are nuts and have a mentality of "we will fuck your ass" at the drop of a hat if they smell something fishy. Not defending their actions but just like it was stated above, would you kick a black belt twice your size in the balls to see what happens? Would it be reasonable and legal what the black belt would do to you at that point...probably not, would it be expected, most certainly. Moral of the story, don't F with the crazy kid, he's liable to bite your noise off and smear shit on your back while he finishes his french fries.