Israel's military actions justified?

George Gallaway.. man !!!... Now there is a certified headcase if ever their was one . An immigrant scotsman living in england married to an arab and beer buddie to saddam hussien.. oh and yeah likes to hang around with kids on reality shows. All politicians are oddballs name one who isnt .. name one politician you would be happy to have as a neighbour ? Who cares whos land it is who gives a shite. Lebbanon could have become one of the richest most respected territories / countries on the planet if it had shown more maturity...fuck people have gotta live somewhere, but their is no room for wise men in religeon... they think they are wise but they all see through smog. George gallaway ... = taxi cab driver.

EGOR said:
George Gallaway.. man !!!... Now there is a certified headcase if ever their was one . An immigrant scotsman living in england married to an arab and beer buddie to saddam hussien.. oh and yeah likes to hang around with kids on reality shows. All politicians are oddballs name one who isnt .. name one politician you would be happy to have as a neighbour ? Who cares whos land it is who gives a shite. Lebbanon could have become one of the richest most respected territories / countries on the planet if it had shown more maturity...fuck people have gotta live somewhere, but their is no room for wise men in religeon... they think they are wise but they all see through smog. George gallaway ... = taxi cab driver.


There's a lot not to like about George Galloway some of which you have pointed out, but on the plus side: he is a brilliant orator and he really believes in his cause (so rare in a politician as to be really worth praise). He had the upper hand in this interview with that presenter and made many points that were very pertinent, such as that Isreal is a terrorist state and is getting much more powerful bombs sent in from the US than anything Iran could concievably try to balance things out by giving to the Lebanese.

While the "Big Brother" appearance was a ridiculous fiasco, it seems to have had a hidden purpose, namely: saving Galloway's neck. He may well have been taken in on some kind of charges of aiding terrorism/Saddam, but by making so much publicity for himself it made this considerably less likely to happen.

He does have a somewhat unhealthy attraction towards Muslims, and I am sure he would hate someone who thinks like me just like he hates Israelis!

While we should feel sorry for the Lebanese, the main worry has got to be Israel's psychopathic plans for the world. This is the start of a potential inflagration of biblical proportions.

Odd as it may seem, I actually wouldn't object so much if Israel just behaved like a regular state, taking territory for itself in normal, honest wars. But they should be fighting their own battles and not relishing the torture that they inflict on their victims. They should be more Germanic about it, lol. And not shock and disgust the world into feeling another holocaust is justified.
Unlike Galloway, I do prefer that Israel should exist. Every people should have their own nation.
"Israeli planing to..." That sounds like Israel is doing things on his own, and USA has nothing to do with it. Or like there is an Israeli nation, and they all get together to talk and to think what to do next.

My friend was recently in Israel for a few weeks. His great friend is Isreali bussines man. He is a great guy, actually rock and metal music fan that is in his late thirties, and very capable man. He is also quite rich. Anyway, I am not sure if anyone here was ever in Israel? Me first, I would be very satisfied if my home country was organized like Israel. It is considerable civilizational difference compared to other countries in region. Not that means that it makes jew better than arab, or anything. Also, it is not like usual jew is money obsessef manic person that wants to rule the world. Actually they are modest by nature and you won't see much expansive cars or house exteriors there even if someone can afford that.
So they were having a dinner, there was a lot of other friends of business man there, and they were talking about politics at one point. My friend has mentioned "It is a not nice situation at my home to, some of our neighbours do not like us very much, there was a war etc". Then business guy said calmly: "Yes, but it is different, you are not completely surrounded by countries that have only intention to completely destroy and kill you all, and are constantly plotting to have you dead" ... and smiled. So does anyone really understand their position? It is a small country, you can put guns and rocket systems at border and harass any apart of their theritory as you like. How would you feel like if you were born there and you live in constant pressure surrounded by hatred because of your ethnicity and your nation?

So I see that a lot of people talking negatively about Isreael (I mean, they are fukkin jews, right?) have no problems to like ideas of survival of the fittest, ubermensch, and people that are lesser people, are very concerned with other races and have paranoid fear that their race will dissapear because they have seen some arabs around the block etc. But it seems that same very ideas do not apply when it somes to Israeli people? How objective and intelligent.
Copy this, frame it, and hang it on a wall in your toilet.

1. As from today, forget about past hatred and whatever land people occupy and let it be theirs for all time.
2. As from today Put up borders on all countries.
3. As from today, Make it law that for every country on the planet that the ethnic population should not rise above 5% . Doing this we stop the erosion of tens of thousands of years of history and we respect our ancestors.
4. As from today, no religious group shall be allowed to govern any country, as is already so that dictatorships and armies taking power are not accepted.
5. As from today, Help poor countries to become rich.. so they have no need to leave their own families and culture and "come here"
6. As from today, start hanging the liars and self publicist filth we now all have as politicians.. who have all almost completely took total advantage over the greatest of all "isms" (Capitalism).
7. As from today, get rid of all nuclear weapons.. apart from one, and leave that in the hands of the Americans. As they have had it the longest and not used it... except to (end a war). If you let love in... you will admit to this.
8. As from today, hug a jew.... then tell him to piss off back to his own country "Israel".... but his cousin can stay because hes within the 5%.
9. As from today, Hug a Muslim, but tell him to forget about "Nukes" and greed and power, because thats sooo last century... tell him to recognise the Jewish state and stop being hot headed.. oh yeah and Piss off back to his/her own culture and history (except if hes in the 5%).
10. As from today, speak the truth.. let the internet be the new way.
This is an excellent blog of art from a lebanese citizen trapped in Beirut:

And according to recent news sources, now a majority of the Israeli people are admitting this savage and illegal operation has and will be a colossal failure, and has no future beneficial outcome. Plus, the Israeli army is bogged down, and has sufferred some heavy casualities without harming hezbollah, or taking many strategic locations due to how well-prepared Hezbollah has been.
speed said:
This is an excellent blog of art from a lebanese citizen trapped in Beirut:

And according to recent news sources, now a majority of the Israeli people are admitting this savage and illegal operation has and will be a colossal failure, and has no future beneficial outcome. Plus, the Israeli army is bogged down, and has sufferred some heavy casualities without harming hezbollah, or taking many strategic locations due to how well-prepared Hezbollah has been.

Fascinating ! Hey, taking any flights recently?.....
troopsofdoom said:
Don't worry people only a small percentage of Muslims a violent.

Got some good advice here..If you are taking a flight to America and you notice Muslims on the same plane flight do this.. first of all ( sit next to them ) make sure they are on the seat next to the window as you can keep pointing out things like... "wow look at the clouds"... say things like look at the way the earth curves you can really see that from up hear. Say to the muslim.. isnt the earth amazing, makes you feel good to be alive doesnt it? You get my drift... just keep him talking, talk about anything( except politics) cause that might get them upset. If they say excuse me I must go to the toilet... you must do all in your power to stop this... say stuff like "I wouldnt go in there pal it stinks I just been in and couldnt flush my log down the bowl". If they go anyway ..follow them and burst into the toilet after a few seconds, say something like "did you just scream". Listen people obviously only a small percentage of muslims are violent but its the small percentage you gotta worry about. Most of all dont panic on your flight.. if you are very concerned mid flight about the Mulim who is sat next to you simply stand up and shout " the Muslim next to me has a bomb " if he is innocent then thats bad, but if on the other hand if he is not then thats really good.............. most of all, please try and you enjoy your flight. (updated website)
Not all jews are bad. Therefore not all of them beleive in the social darwinist philosophy of Zionism. It is only those in power who veiw themselves as better then their Arab neighbours that creates all this conflict. Israel should not exist, and that land should go back to the people that had it before. Who is Brittain to tell Palestine that they have to leave their homeland for the Jews? Unless of course there was pressure from very rich Zionist who would do anything to fufill their agenda.

People should become more educated in the Zionist philosophy and its history to understand the actiosn of the the Israeli government.

I don't even think that the true people of ancient Israel are even in existance today to claim that land as their own. In a way, it is a theocracy supported by the USA an it has had a long history of violence, oppression, and terriorism that certainly cannot be ignored nor taken into consideration when talking about their actions especially in Lebenon.

I'm pretty sure the 6 day war has some relavence as well to this situation.
Silver Incubus said:
Not all jews are bad. Therefore not all of them beleive in the social darwinist philosophy of Zionism. It is only those in power who veiw themselves as better then their Arab neighbours that creates all this conflict. Israel should not exist, and that land should go back to the people that had it before. Who is Brittain to tell Palestine that they have to leave their homeland for the Jews? Unless of course there was pressure from very rich Zionist who would do anything to fufill their agenda.

People should become more educated in the Zionist philosophy and its history to understand the actiosn of the the Israeli government.

I don't even think that the true people of ancient Israel are even in existance today to claim that land as their own. In a way, it is a theocracy supported by the USA an it has had a long history of violence, oppression, and terriorism that certainly cannot be ignored nor taken into consideration when talking about their actions especially in Lebenon.

I'm pretty sure the 6 day war has some relavence as well to this situation.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure the 6-day war had quite alot to do with it. The Arab nations attacked Israel and lost territory as a consequence. As for Israel being a "theocracy", if that was the case why does Israel allow Arab Muslims into their parliament?
Keltoi said:
Yeah, I'm pretty sure the 6-day war had quite alot to do with it. The Arab nations attacked Israel and lost territory as a consequence. As for Israel being a "theocracy", if that was the case why does Israel allow Arab Muslims into their parliament?

Well its pretty much the same thing as any Christian dominated country. They may be democracies, but they are dominated and bend to the will of the majority.
I doubt Muslims would ever be president/prime minister of Israel
There's as much a chance of a Muslim being the leader of Israel as there is of a Jew being the leader of Palestine.
Ptah Khnemu said:
There's as much a chance of a Muslim being the leader of Israel as there is of a Jew being the leader of Palestine.

True - or even much less chance, as there was some low-level speculation that Yassir Arafat might be secretly Jewish and that this explained why they had never killed him.

The Arabs within Israel are treated as second class citizens. The Muslims are breeding faster than the Israelis and will end up outnumbering them in Israel before very long. I can't see this being allowed to happen. Presumably they will be forced out at some point.

Hey, here's an idea for the Israelis. If you want it to be considered socially acceptable in the world to eject your Muslims, why not assist some nationalist party to win power somewhere in Europe who will have won power on the issue of ejecting their Muslim population. That way Israel wouldn't have to be the first nation to do such a thing.

(I'm just pretending to be a Zionist here!)
EGOR said:
Got some good advice here..If you are taking a flight to America and you notice Muslims on the same plane flight do this.. first of all ( sit next to them ) make sure they are on the seat next to the window as you can keep pointing out things like... "wow look at the clouds"... say things like look at the way the earth curves you can really see that from up hear. Say to the muslim.. isnt the earth amazing, makes you feel good to be alive doesnt it? You get my drift... just keep him talking, talk about anything( except politics) cause that might get them upset. If they say excuse me I must go to the toilet... you must do all in your power to stop this... say stuff like "I wouldnt go in there pal it stinks I just been in and couldnt flush my log down the bowl". If they go anyway ..follow them and burst into the toilet after a few seconds, say something like "did you just scream". Listen people obviously only a small percentage of muslims are violent but its the small percentage you gotta worry about. Most of all dont panic on your flight.. if you are very concerned mid flight about the Mulim who is sat next to you simply stand up and shout " the Muslim next to me has a bomb " if he is innocent then thats bad, but if on the other hand if he is not then thats really good.............. most of all, please try and you enjoy your flight. (updated website)

Norsemaiden said:
Hey, here's an idea for the Israelis. If you want it to be considered socially acceptable in the world to eject your Muslims, why not assist some nationalist party to win power somewhere in Europe who will have won power on the issue of ejecting their Muslim population. That way Israel wouldn't have to be the first nation to do such a thing.

(I'm just pretending to be a Zionist here!)
Victory through flattery. Simply brilliant.