Israel VS. The Arab World

fah-q said:
Hezbollah is not a country, they are a group within the country. Not unlike the Taliban in Afghanistan.

Right, they were created after Israel’s invasion of Lebanon.

fah-q said:
Millions of innocent people getting killed? War crimes? What war crimes has the us committed in Israel defending itself?

How are they defending themselves by destroying civilians targets, power plants, roads, bridges, air ports, etc etc? Thousands of Americans were trapped in Lebanon because the Israelis destroyed their only international airport.

George Bush, the Zionist puppet rejected , Lebanon’s prime minister to pressure Israel to stop its attack on Lebanon…this president is nothing more then a slave to international Zionism, his actions make that very apparent.

fah-q said:
Please try to pay attention. When I stated that Israel was one of our best customers, I was pointing out that their military is built on US technology.

Right, that is why they have such a powerful army…without American support financially the state of Israel wouldn’t even exist.

fah-q said:
The US gov't are war criminals for selling arms? That is ridiculous ideology. That same kind of ignorance has guns being banned in parts of the us.

They are war criminals for supporting Israel’s terrorism against their neighbors for decades…under international law (that the United States helped to create) is identical to the law used to punish the Nazis forbids even a conspiracy of waging war…so it is therefore not surprising that one of the main architects of the war in Iraq Richard Perle spill the beans and admit that the Iraq war was against international law. Richard Perle is a Jew and a Zionist by the way with the nickname ‘the prince of darkness’.

As far as the guns being banned America here is the thing, the same politicians in America that support Israelis having machine guns are against Americans having guns to even defend themselves!

fah-q said:
How can you call Israel terrorists? If they really are terrorists, then Hezbollah, Iran and Syria must be satan himself. (assuming he is a man, I don't want to offend the females out there)

The question is how can you not call them terrorist? After what they have done for decades what other label could you give this rogue state? But to answer your question I call them terrorist because the Israeli (government) in 1954 launched an operation secret operation against the United States called operation Suzannah in which they committed terrorism against the United States by sending terrorist to blow up American instillations in Egypt to make it look like the Egyptians did it so we would go to war with them but thankfully for America and Egypt the entire thing was exposed and it became known as the Lavon Affair…any American patriot would hate Israel after that but the pro Israel media and government has decided not to make a big deal about it…they don’t want to loose millions of Jewish money because that is what ‘American’ leaders care about.

fah-q said:
We could go back and forth on this forever. Obviously, you support Muslims and terrorists and I do not. Good luck with that.
Have a nice day.

I don’t support any kind of terrorism against innocent people, that is why I don’t support Israel, you support Israel a nation that has terrorized their neighbors for decades and has committed terrorism against their allies. Lets not forget why these Muslim terrorist groups exist…might it be the nation that has around 200 hydrogen bombs that could wipe their civilization out? But of course.
First of all, you are putting up links to newspapers in San Fran? -Nuff said

Who gives a frog's fat-ass if Bush rejected Lebanon's call for a cease fire. George Bush is the POTUS, not Israel. Which way do you leftists want it? When the US intervenes, we are chided for butting in. When we let things play out, we are chided for not getting involved.

This is standard fare from the left. Grab one term (zionist) and beat the living fuck out of it until everyone is programmed. Go back and count the number of times you repeat the word zionist or some variation of it. "Those zionist zions and their zionistic ways of being zions for the zion of zions doing their zions agenda with that zionist look on their zionist faces." We get the point.

Lastly, why is their such a double standard with you leftists? We accept the behavior of Muslims because they are Muslims but, that doesn't apply to Christians and Jews? When a Muslims committs an act of aggression, it is because they are Muslim and we are supposed to try and understand. When the Jews respond to years of abuse, they are trying to ethnically cleanse the region? WTF is that ? If ridding the world of these terrorist heathens is what you call ethnic cleansing, I must be one of those zionist zions with the zionistic agenda.
This is my Zion face :Puke:
fah-q said:
First of all, you are putting up links to newspapers in San Fran? -Nuff said

Who cares where it comes from? If it is factually correct, I don’t care.

fah-q said:
Who gives a frog's fat-ass if Bush rejected Lebanon's call for a cease fire. George Bush is the POTUS, not Israel. Which way do you leftists want it? When the US intervenes, we are chided for butting in. When we let things play out, we are chided for not getting involved.

Well, considering the fact that the Bush regime will is on Israel’s side and supports Israel’s crimes then I think every US citizen should care…while Bush attacks Iraq for so called weapons of mass destruction he turns a blind eye when Israel murders innocent civilians in Lebanon.

As far as your ‘leftist’ statement, lets not turn a factual dispute into a verbal one and by that I mean you can call a politician whatever you want, liberal, conservative, Republican, Democrat it doesn’t matter, the politicians with a great deal of power have their strings pulled by the Israeli Lobby and most of them are extremely pro Israel Zionist, most of them are Jews as well…look at their ideology rather then their labels.

fah-q said:
This is standard fare from the left. Grab one term (zionist) and beat the living fuck out of it until everyone is programmed. Go back and count the number of times you repeat the word zionist or some variation of it. "Those zionist zions and their zionistic ways of being zions for the zion of zions doing their zions agenda with that zionist look on their zionist faces." We get the point.

Are you trying to tell the readers that the far left isn’t infiltrated by Zionist as well? Oh boy, if so you better do some research before making such ill-informed comments. Well, at least you see that the ‘conservatives’ aren’t really conservative at all, but in fact are just pro Israel maniacs that are sucking America dry on behalf of the Jewish state, something that doesn’t seem to bother you one bit…most people understand that Jews would be on the far left but the thought of them being on the ‘far right’ just plays their minds which of course is the point.

As far as the term ‘Zionist’ what else should I call them? That is exactly what they are and they control the American political scene, they get what they want from America and exploit the Democratic and Republican party to bow down to their interest and the way they do that is with MONEY! Without money your chance of political success is very limited and if you want Jewish campaign contributions you better embrace Jewish interest (Israel) and if you don’t embrace Jewish interest (Israel) you will loose Jewish campaign contributions and they will go to your opposition.

In a nut shell then, the Jews pretty much have things best suited for their interest unless of course true Americans step up to the plate and take this country back.

fah-q said:
Lastly, why is their such a double standard with you leftists? We accept the behavior of Muslims because they are Muslims but, that doesn't apply to Christians and Jews? When a Muslims committs an act of aggression, it is because they are Muslim and we are supposed to try and understand. When the Jews respond to years of abuse, they are trying to ethnically cleanse the region? WTF is that ? If ridding the world of these terrorist heathens is what you call ethnic cleansing, I must be one of those zionist zions with the zionistic agenda.
This is my Zion face :Puke:

Well, you are repeating propaganda, neither the left or the right (if you go by labels) care about anything other then the Jewish state and their actions prove that...lets not forget all of our 'leaders' are for race mixing, welfare, homosexuality and everything else stand against! The thing is Americans thought Bush would stand against that but they have been fooled!

The Jews are responding to two kidnapped soldiers, how is that ‘years of abuse’! The Israelis have kept millions of Palestinians under brutal military occupation for years, it is Arab world that is being abused, not Israel, they pretty much have a freehand in the region. It is complete tomfoolery to suggest that they are ‘ridding’ the world of ‘terrorist’ when they are destroying civilian targets and breaking international law.
Israel is not just responding to the kidnapping of 2 soldiers. The leftists can minimize it down to that but, rational thinking individuals don't. The Arab world has been given a free pass to behave as poorly as they want without retribution. It's like when you watch hockey. Little shits like Matthew Barnaby fly around the ice and commit penalty's and rough up the other players. As soon as Ti Domi hits the ice and retaliates, he gets the penalty. Nobody remembers all of the crap that Barnably pulled. They just remember Domi kicking his ass.
Fuckin' Ti Domi is a Zionist!
fah-q said:
Israel is not just responding to the kidnapping of 2 soldiers. The leftists can minimize it down to that but, rational thinking individuals don't. The Arab world has been given a free pass to behave as poorly as they want without retribution. It's like when you watch hockey. Little shits like Matthew Barnaby fly around the ice and commit penalty's and rough up the other players. As soon as Ti Domi hits the ice and retaliates, he gets the penalty. Nobody remembers all of the crap that Barnably pulled. They just remember Domi kicking his ass.
Fuckin' Ti Domi is a Zionist!

I’m sorry but what Israel has done to not only their enemies and ‘allies’ is much greater to what anything the ‘terrorist’ have done to them. What? Hezbollah shot a few rockets at them? Big deal, the Israel’s robbed an entire nation and still have millions of the inhabitants suffering under brutal military occupation and when one decided to defend themselves the media jumps all over them…the Israelis can’t live over the masses forever, so they better do some serious diplomacy because the entire world hates Israel at the moment.
Israel did not steal a country. If we are to stay with that frame of thinking, will Texas be returned? I am part Native American. Does that mean I get America back? Until that happens, am I allowed to slit the throats of infidel zionists? Fuckin' Lewis and Clark, America's first zionists. It wasn't their land to explore. Those fuckin' French. It was those zionst bastards that sold most of the US in the Louisiana Purchase. I am getting it now. They are all zionists! Shit, I have to get a divorce. When I got married, my wife just stole half of everything I have. She is a fuckin' zionist too! Fuck, help me! The zionists are everywhere!!!
fah-q said:
Israel did not steal a country. If we are to stay with that frame of thinking, will Texas be returned? I am part Native American. Does that mean I get America back? Until that happens, am I allowed to slit the throats of infidel zionists? Fuckin' Lewis and Clark, America's first zionists. It wasn't their land to explore. Those fuckin' French. It was those zionst bastards that sold most of the US in the Louisiana Purchase. I am getting it now. They are all zionists! Shit, I have to get a divorce. When I got married, my wife just stole half of everything I have. She is a fuckin' zionist too! Fuck, help me! The zionists are everywhere!!!

Well, nobody has historical rights to land…nobody. The individuals that make a majority of any area determine how that society is, but without questions humans do rob other humans of their land, it is mother natures iron law. With the Palestinians they have been pushed out of their land and they will do whatever it takes to reclaim it.
fah-q said:
Using the term zionist as you do, truly is anti-semitic.

No! The reason why I use the term 'Zionist' is because I don't want to say 'Jews' I only say Jews when there is no other way around it.
Patrick R. said:
Well, nobody has historical rights to land…nobody. The individuals that make a majority of any area determine how that society is, but without questions humans do rob other humans of their land, it is mother natures iron law. With the Palestinians they have been pushed out of their land and they will do whatever it takes to reclaim it.

I agree that the majority decides, to an extent. If the rest of the region wants Israel back, they are free to try. They lose, they go home and that is it. We know that is not how it will happen. If they did it that way, then they wouldn't have their hollow reasons for terrorizing the rest of the world. I hope Israel kicks all of their asses.
Patrick R. said:
No! The reason why I use the term 'Zionist' is because I don't want to say 'Jews' I only say Jews when there is no other way around it.[/QUOTE

Come on, you are kidding me, right? The word Jew is not a bigoted term. The word zionist, is.
fah-q said:
I agree that the majority decides, to an extent. If the rest of the region wants Israel back, they are free to try. They lose, they go home and that is it. We know that is not how it will happen. If they did it that way, then they wouldn't have their hollow reasons for terrorizing the rest of the world. I hope Israel kicks all of their asses.

I want the Jews to have a homeland...I also want the younger Jews to step up and get rid of these 'leaders' they have now...they are only giving the Jewish people a bad name.
fah-q said:
Patrick R. said:
No! The reason why I use the term 'Zionist' is because I don't want to say 'Jews' I only say Jews when there is no other way around it.[/QUOTE

Come on, you are kidding me, right? The word Jew is not a bigoted term. The word zionist, is.

No, when people say 'Jews' are against whites or Arabs the majority of the people will think you are talking about all Jews, when you say 'Zionist' do then you aren't talking about an entire race...just like if you say Nazis hate Jews rather then Germans hate Jews.
fah-q said:
Using the term zionist as you do, truly is anti-semitic.

Wow, the ultimate argument. To the topic itself: I´m far from being a supporter of Islam or the Muslims, but I always wondered why the US gave so much to Israel and Israel gave back nearly nothing.
Schurl said:
Wow, the ultimate argument. To the topic itself: I´m far from being a supporter of Islam or the Muslims, but I always wondered why the US gave so much to Israel and Israel gave back nearly nothing.

Bless you son, bless you. LOL.
Patrick R. said:
I want the Jews to have a homeland...I also want the younger Jews to step up and get rid of these 'leaders' they have now...they are only giving the Jewish people a bad name.

Finally, we agree on something. The Jews need a homeland. What do you propose?
Let's give them Mexico. Similar climate and I am certain they could turn that country around and make it into something they aren't trying to escape from.
What say you?
fah-q said:
Finally, we agree on something. The Jews need a homeland. What do you propose?
Let's give them Mexico. Similar climate and I am certain they could turn that country around and make it into something they aren't trying to escape from.
What say you?

Well, at first many Jews wanted Argentina or Uganda, but they new they could get more settlers in Palestine, which worked. So I say, wherever the Jews live, just allow them to make their own state, nobody is going to stop them.
Schurl said:
Wow, the ultimate argument. To the topic itself: I´m far from being a supporter of Islam or the Muslims, but I always wondered why the US gave so much to Israel and Israel gave back nearly nothing.[/QUOTEW

What have we given to Israel? We were paid for all of the weapons we sold them.
Patrick R. said:
Well, at first many Jews wanted Argentina or Uganda, but they new they could get more settlers in Palestine, which worked. So I say, wherever the Jews live, just allow them to make their own state, nobody is going to stop them.

They wanted Uganda? Kamala would never have stood for that!
fah-q said:
What have we given to Israel? We were paid for all of the weapons we sold them.

As far as I´m concerned, Israel receives or received enormous amounts of financial aid from the US every year. What for? To pay for the weapons?