It has happened

Ahahaha yeah the lotus eater is fucking genius. Listened to both tracks like 4/5 times each.. And then thought i'd best stop lest i over do it a bit..

I love how random the intro is ahaha.
Inferior is the wrong term to use in this reference. I would say quite different from each other would sum it up. Axenrot has clearly shown that he is more then a capable drummer, something in which I already was aware of due to seeing him perform live with Opeth. My problem is not in his playing ability what so ever, he is actually quite an extraordinary drummer to be sure. Lopez had a rhythmic sense that played straight into the pocket of Opeth's strengths, and gave every track a distinctive feel, groove, and character. Axenrot does have some ability to perform in this way, but tends to lean heavier in a more straight forward traditional groove. It can be hard to describe what exactly the difference means to me, but as a drummer I really appreciated the complex subtleties that could easily go unnoticed in Martin Lopez playing. Although completely out of character for Opeth, I rather enjoyed the blasting intro to The Lotus Eater, and the clean vocals fit over the blast like butter on toast. Mikael and Axenrot are tight knit and spot on with each in that opening; beautifully executed if I do say so myself. The Porcelain heart has yet to move me, but I remain hopeful that the rest of the album will prove that Opeth has the ability to move forward despite the many obstacles that present themselves to them, or perhaps I should be saying to him. :)
Brian what are your thoughts on Axenrot's drum fill on Porcelain Heart?
Because nobody on the Opeth forums seems to want to shut up about it.

Hmmm.. The drum solo certainly didn't excite me much. The off time aspect could have been quite cool if done over a different kind of riff...or a better one anyways. The start of the drum solo is pretty decent, the end is decent, the middle of it is quite generic, and just sounds like a mess. Mostly just a poor time to implement such a fill, but something alot more interesting could have been done from a technical stand point.