it looks like small labels get some breaks ...


Active Member
Sep 27, 2002
maybe this has bypassed the channels around here but VOIVOD got signed to THE END RECORDS :cool:

and I just saw a long ass THE END RECORDS commercial on MTV during Headbangers Ball ... so runnign a small label looks like a good thing afterall ... ;)
This may sound selfish and/or snobbish, but am I the only one that doesn't want neanderthals listening to the same music as me? I, for one, do not see the commercialization of The End records (or I guess, underground metal) to be a good thing. Sure, they may deserve it, but I mean, if Agalloch pulls an Opeth, I think I'll be crushed.
Furious B said:
This may sound selfish and/or snobbish, but am I the only one that doesn't want neanderthals listening to the same music as me? I, for one, do not see the commercialization of The End records (or I guess, underground metal) to be a good thing. Sure, they may deserve it, but I mean, if Agalloch pulls an Opeth, I think I'll be crushed.

You need to read the new LotFP. :p
Demonspell said:
I have to agree, they are undoubtedly adopting the marketing techniques of the big metal labels, but until I hear evidence that they're restricting artistic freedom (no, Nokturnal Mortum doesn't apply here), they still have my support.

Crimson Velvet said:
What happened with "The End" and Nokturnal Mortum?

NocMort changed from their second-tier folk black metal pronouncements to Ukranian Hitler Youth jargon and slogans and logo. They flirted with it on NeChrist (the 88 tracks corresponding to the Heil Hitler shorthand), but went full steam afterwards. Andreas, being a sound businessman, and NOT a braindead loony, asked them kindly to send their business elsewhere, becase TER is not NSBM headquarters. It was Nocturnal Mortem AND Mistigo Varggoth Darkestra, btw. Though nobody mourned THAT loss
Andreas, being a sound businessman, and NOT a braindead loony, asked them kindly to send their business elsewhere, becase TER is not NSBM headquarters.

BenMech said:
NocMort changed from their second-tier folk black metal pronouncements to Ukranian Hitler Youth jargon and slogans and logo. They flirted with it on NeChrist (the 88 tracks corresponding to the Heil Hitler shorthand)
ah ok i personally thought "spit in jewish faces/cut them into pieces/let the woods grow up on their corpses/they are not human/they are worms whose only mission is parasitism" as well as the swastika motif in the booklet was a bit more than "flirting" :confused:

also, it's spelled NOKTURNAL MORTUM

get it right or shut up